Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random wrongness


  1. This is what we have become? Is this what we have been fighting for?
    So sad.

  2. Sheeeet...

    I didn't feel cool watching that, that is very wrong and what gives with all the people not stopping it, maybe the girl did run her mouth but damn.

  3. i stopped at 1 minute. as a mom, watching the kids there, i just can't...

  4. Wait! Was that a weave that came flying off?

  5. Whatever happened to slathering your face with Vaseline before a fight?

  6. rofl. dont write a check your ass cant cash. its always the one with the biggest mouth.

  7. I know I should not want to see things like this, but there is nothing better than seeing someone asking for an asswhipping RECEIVE it. like that guy on the bus who got jacked up by that 67 yr old guy. I love it.

  8. This is why I have such little respect and regard for David aka one drop rule negro..This type of contempt for Black people and Black woman is offensive..

    David aka one drop rule negro displays a twisted voyeur with regard to Black folks in tough urban venues..

    For once I am in agreement with David's mascot Daniel..

  9. I don't normally advocate fighting but I'm glad that blue shirt cleaned her clock.

    It's so sad, though, that all of that took place in front of kids.

    As your post title suggests, it's wrong.

  10. Well, it's nice to know there's all these high minded folks here, but I laughed. The loud mouth got her ass beat, as she should have. her nasty cheap extensions were a liability she did not consider.

  11. Fat, loud, dark, and ugly does not make one hard.
    When will they ever learn?
    (That ish was funny)

  12. I will admit I always love seeing the bully get his/her ass kicked...

    here's one featuring two white boys

  13. I like how ol' girl in the white was layin' COMBOS on her! A few Roundhouses, a knee to the face...watching that reminded me of playing Mortal Kombat back in the day! "FATALITY!"

  14. DW? Who is we? Black ppl? ppl in general? Did Black ppl not throw down in Kemet or Kush? Come on kids will be kids.. Black white Mexican whatever..sometimes a good fight puts things back in order. That chick needed that ass whooped!

  15. When keepin it real goes wrong!

  16. Is there anything LESS civilized than uneducated black women? It would be nice if, instead of fighting, they stopped having babies out of wedlock and started focusing on getting an education.

    I think the average IQ in that video was probably hovering in the 80's. The only thing missing were the subtitles.

  17. Bwahahahahahahahaha!! Happens everyday in Chicago, I haven't seen this in a while since I moved to the burbs! She straight UFC / WEC / MMA'ed that chick!

  18. The girl did not want to fight the one in yellow, the girl kept telling the one in yellow to get out of her face and the one in yellow stated that she was not going to leave without a fight...So she got her fight and her a$$ kicked.I do not like a bully.
