Friday, May 1, 2009

Stick a fork in me...

... I’m done. If you’d like to Google around in the UBM archive, here’s a handy custom search engine:

UPDATE (05/05/09): Showbiz blogger Nikki Finke breaks the news that HBO has greenlit David Simon’s new drama series, “Treme.” (I just found out today my own self.)

That means we’ll be back in New Orleans in November to begin filming. The writing staff will get cracking over the summer. And “Treme” should be on TV screens some time next year. Yay, HBO!


  1. Go Green(Light) !! Con-Grats David

  2. I just saw that at - and it meant the chance to drop by here and say thanks for your great blogging. I discovered it last year, I think after the death of Ashley Morris, but I can't be sure. In any case, I've liked your New Orleans posts alot, and all the music you link to. Your political/social posts have also been thought-provoking.

    I hope you have a great time with Treme and have lots of reason to be here in NOLA.

  3. It's still a bit of a reflex....

    Very good news! Hope the project is a big success.

    Best of luck 2 U.

  4. I dun new you culdint kwit us 'pleatlee.

    Congrats David!

  5. It's still a bit of a reflex....

    Tell me about it.


    Thanks for the vibe, bklyn6.

  6. I dun new you culdint kwit us 'pleatlee.

    Have you been reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin"? WTF?


  7. oh YEAH DAVID!!!! congrats!

  8. Congratulations on the show!

    BTW, New Orleans around Christmas is beautiful. Christmas in the oaks.

  9. it's been a pleasure, david! best!!!

  10. Congrats on the Green Light.

    I look forward to seeing Treme in 2010.

  11. I don't understand. So, you're quitting the blog?

  12. Congrats on Treme, but as for yer quittin' the blog -- say it ain't so...

  13. Best news I've heard in awhile.

  14. I am just catching up and while I will miss your blog, especially your compelling political commentary, I am psyched about "Treme." Good luck and thank you for doing this as long as you have!

  15. I've read your blog since the end of '07. I'll definitely miss seeing it. IMHO, it was right at the top of the blog list.

    I'm hoping this means you'll spend that creative energy writing some killer TV shows &/or movie scripts. I'll be keeping an eye out for them.

  16. The WIRE..I hated it..So tired of sterotypical urban fare..

  17. This is a perfect example of what I truly adore about you. The rest of the world would put up a body part to bet that Treme would be a go, but you were still on the modest maybes. I cannot wait for so many reasons (except for the fact that now I have a reason to renew my HBO subscription).
    Congrats! And that coffee-carrier offer I made a few months back still stands.

  18. ^ Well, HBO went thumbs-down on David Milch's latest project, and he's considered television's greatest writer. So nothing is guaranteed in this topsy-turvy world.

    Thanks for the good wishes, Thembi.

  19. Wow "Thrasher" what a nice thing to say on a guy's last post about a show he worked on. Each to his own but "stereotypical urban fare". PUH-leaze! Judging from the lack of activity on your own blog perhaps you're just trying to drum up some traffic. Not going to happen though. I checked it out and all of your posts are boring, pedantic, bitter and riddled with spelling errors. I did not see one comment on your site. Nice going!
