Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday morning cartoon

This one isn’t for everybody... to say the least. If you’re squeamish about blood, or if you don’t think cartoon gore is funny, skip this video.

I can relate. I was always disturbed by Dan Aykroyd’s famous Julia Child sketch as well as Monty Python’s Sam Peckinpah parody, both of them drenched in fake blood. I’m just not amused by appeals to human cruelty. I don’t even dig “Itchy & Scratchy.”

Nevertheless, for those of you who’d like to see the “Itchy & Scratchy” joke taken to its sickest extreme, I present this:


  1. Interesting visual essay on cartoon violence.

  2. That is truly, truly awesome.
    I can dig cruelty, human and otherwise. Though for some reason I strongly disliked a lot of those 80's slasher films. The first two Halloween's and the Freddy Kruger movie that had Yapphet Kotto in it were exceptions.
    There was a great Italian (?) comicbook, called Squeak The Mouse that is along the lines of the above cartoon, merging Tom and Jerry, 30's Disney, and 80's splatterhouse horror/sexploitation.
    It was released here in the states, so it was probably a direct influence on Groening's Itchy & Scratchy. I can't say for sure.

  3. Heh, I'm guess you're not a fan of Monty Python's "Live Organ Transplants" either.

  4. Thanks for the heads up. I can't stomach horror movies or invasive medical procedures, let alone "Itchy & Scratchy." *shudder*

  5. I like the idea better than the execution. Some parts just went on too long. As for it being bloody, well, it's cartoons.

    There was one technical error: everybody knows that Martians don't have red blood.

  6. ^I'm with Estiv, though I'll go so far as to say the whole thing was poorly executed. And they really screwed up with the Coyote and the Roadrunner.

    Anyway, Roger Rabbit taught us that all cartoons bleed ink, so there :-D

  7. I couldn't make it past 2:30. Ouch!

  8. Speaking of cartoon gore...

    Strange publicity swirl surrounding X-Men's latest...
