Monday, March 9, 2009

Random wrongness


  1. Ugh! at the poop germs she's getting and LOL at her putting her sister out the room so she can go ahead and finished making out with the dog!

  2. what the hell????????

    just no.

    not ever.


    nastee as fugg.

  3. Yeesh- I've seen (I'm almost ashamed to say) at least two real scenes of some random trailer trash girl actually being screwed by her German Shepard. I'm sure it's still there somewhere. Look for the checkered tile floor.

  4. ^really crazy! I have heard of this, but it involves peanut butter.

    So that explains why WG's love dogs.

  5. You'd get more views if you claimed the dog was female - it would then be lesbian beastiality, which is always a ratings grabber.
    I was disappointed I didn't see any tongue from the human half of the couple...
    @lawegohard - nice racism! magnifique.

  6. CSI moment:

    Notice how she is on the phone for a full minute kissing her b*tch and starts in with a husky "Hello"

    She follows up with an "Ok so you have to hang up with me?" Clearly the boy is over it. Little sister saying "You look a mess" breaks the fantasy.

    Finally, "Whatever" is a desperate plea by girl to stay on the phone with boy.

    Conclusion: Teenage phone sex/Ho in training!

    @JD you killed it with the new title.

  7. That is just wrong! I love dogs but I would never MAKE OUT with my dog. I do have a friend who does not mind the dog licking him in the face and I squirm everytime I see it taking place
