Sunday, September 28, 2008

Goofing on Sarah: The Master Class

In case you missed it last night:


  1. david -- i thought the first one was funnier but this was good, too. that ticket seems like an snl sketch for real.

  2. Does Palin talk with her hands like that, or was Tina Fey just exaggerating?

    This skit made Palin look like Miss So. Carolina, that 2007 Teen USA contestant.

  3. ^ Palin does a little bit of hand-talking, yeah... which didn't register on me till Tina Fey cranked it up to 11.

  4. "Pew pew!" (hand under chin)--so adorable!

    But I agree with what Tina said after she won her Emmy--I, too, hopes she doesn't have to play Palin after the election!

  5. Oops, hit "publish" too soon.

    MAD TV also had a Palin skit with Nicole Parker doing the impression. Not as good as Tina's, of course, but still pretty funny.

    BTW, David, did you see Darrell Hammond's Bill Clinton impression during "Weekend Update"? They nailed Bill to the wall about his equivocating support of Barack.

  6. JustJudith said..
    > I thought the first one
    > was funnier
    Yes, but part of what made this one so funny was that Tina Fey was using an EXACT quote from Palin herself.
    Think about that... they didn't write the joke, they just quoted Palin's actual answer.
    Any bets on how they're going to get her out of next Thursday's debate?
    If they don't, I'm making popcorn, turning off the phone, and putting on one of those stripped conductors hats in expectation of the train wreak of '08

  7. BTW, David, did you see Darrell Hammond's Bill Clinton impression during "Weekend Update"? They nailed Bill to the wall about his equivocating support of Barack.

    Gold, dez. Solid gold.

  8. Any bets on how they're going to get her out of next Thursday's debate?

    Russian invasion of Alaska?

    Ed Rollins said something enlightening last week, from a campaign manager's perspective. He said "candidate confidence" is the most important thing to maintain in a race.

    Team McCain may be hiding Palin from the outside world... but are they hiding the outside world from Palin?

    If she knows about all the TV and Internet mockery of her... and about the conservative backlash against her Couric interview... I think that's got to shake Palin's confidence horribly.

  9. Russian invasion of Alaska?

    Heh heh heh!

    I'm wondering if Palin will be quit-fired (McCain pushes her out, but lets her say she's quitting for personal reasons, such as for Trig's health, or Bristol's, or because Putin flew over Alaska and gave her the stinkeye). Then he can get Lieberman on the ticket or someone else less dense than Sarah Plain and Tall. It would definitely be a "maverick" move (hahahahhaa!).

  10. undercover black man..
    I bet that the press is getting pretty pissed off about them trying to hide her.
    If I were a member of the press, there is ONLY ONE QUESTION I would ask her when she finally comes out of hiding...

  11. Palin did do that finger in the wind thing when she was talking about Barack. She got talking gestures as well as talking points.

    I thought Amy Pohler did a good job capturing Katie's incredulity. It would have been funniest if Pohler slapped the ish out Fey at the end.

  12. This is a riot! Palin's made it too easy.

  13. I LOVED, and thought of you, during the Bill Clinton sketch in the news segment. Im just glad that someone, other than Black folks, are noticing what Bills doing. Frickin pantywaist.

