Tuesday, June 10, 2008

While supplies last

Friends, it’s not too late to purchase some official Hillary Clinton gear from HillaryStore.com. (A bitch got bills, ya heard?)

Wouldn’t you like to own a souvenir of Sen. Clinton’s historic 2008 campaign?

Such as the “Got Experience?” T-shirt. (Black, of course.) Only $20.

Or the “I’m Your Girl!” campaign button. (Girl?? Is that the “sexism” Dianne Feinstein and Geraldine Ferraro were talking about?)

There’s also the “Wellesley Women for Hillary” lapel pin. (Not for sale in West Virginia.)

And the “Hillary for President” breast implants. (Okay... now that’s sexist.)


  1. I thought this was a Hendrix thing. Really.


  2. I'm an Obama guy all the way, but I'm probably also one of few who actually feels some compassion for Hillary. And I'm not being facetious. I know, she completely underestimated Obama, and ran a "dirty" campaign, even though she didn't need to, because I really didn't think she would win once Obama entered the race anyway. But, she fought hard, all the way, tossing around footballs with the boys, didn't score enough touchdowns to win the game, but didn't necessarily cry about it afterward either. In fact, she did the opposite - crowning the champ, rallying behind him, and encourages those who supported her to do the same. I still think there's a chance that she becomes Obama's VP, despite all that has been said and done. I wonder if she'll give it all another shot in 2012, although I see Obama beating McCain decisively this year, and winning a second term!

  3. Personally, I went for the Hilary Nutcracker myself.

  4. Yeah, Id much rather be a ball-buster (nutcracker) than a monkey any damned day.

    I read a comment in the Op Ed section of the Wash Post recently, and from what it said, there should a shitload of "Wellesley Women for Hillary" buttons left. Id buy one, but why should I, I went to Smith, where our graduates dont run for president, we just marry them. Ha!

