Sunday, June 1, 2008

Targeting Michelle Obama

I mentioned two weeks ago that Larry Johnson – a pro-Hillary blogger and former CIA man – was spreading a rumor about Michelle Obama. A rumor that Michelle is caught on videotape using the term “whitey” at Trinity United Church of Christ.

I thought it was bullshit then. I think it’s bullshit now.

Well... the rumor was spoken aloud today on national television. Would it surprise you to know that it was... Fox News?

Absolutely sickening. Even more sickening is the man who uttered it: the notorious Republican “dirty-trickster” Roger Stone.

Stone’s career as a saboteur goes back to 1972, when he worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President (Richard Nixon).

Here’s what Roger Stone told Geraldo Rivera on Fox News this afternoon, according to a poster at the liberal forum Democratic Underground:

“Some indelible record exists of public remarks that Michelle Obama allegedly made which are outrageous... including some reference to white people as whiteys allegedly.”

Stone went on to say: “I believe a major network now has this tape.”

A poster at Larry Johnson’s blog also wrote about Roger Stone’s Fox News claim.

Supposedly Geraldo told Stone: “I will give you a hundred bucks if it is true. I don’t believe it is true.”

True or not, this poisonous gossip has now seeped from the malarial swamps of the blogosphere into the quasi-legitimate corporate media.

Fox News must be dealt with. Plain and simple.

While I cogitate on that, let me remind you that Roger Stone, apart from being a famous political knife-fighter, is also a renowned sex pervert. He resigned from Bob Dole’s campaign in 1996 when the National Enquirer discovered an ad that Stone and his wife had placed in a swingers magazine.

Here is Roger Stone’s “INSATIABLE COUPLE” ad:

“We are hot, athletic and very fit. We are seeking similar couples or exceptional muscular, well hung, single men. She’s 40DD-24-36 and bi. She loves to fuck hard and deep. He’s 195 lbs., trim, muscular and 8” +. She prefers jocks, military men, and body builders. No fat people or smokers need respond. Send photo and phone. ...”

The photo below on the right was published with this swinger ad. The one on the left is Roger Stone as he looks today.


UPDATE (06/01/08): Larry Johnson has uploaded the actual Fox News footage to YouTube. Now I’m even angrier.

This wasn’t something Roger Stone just blurted out, with Geraldo trying to shut him down. Stone’s entire appearance was built around this so-called “incendiary prediction” about Michelle Obama. Geraldo teed it up for him... even as he pretended to be offended!

By the way, hearing it from his own lips... Stone’s shit sounds extremely weak.


  1. As a fat smoker, I am offended by this man.
    Sigh, I'm so sick of this ish.

  2. The New Yorker article is very interesting.

    To be honest, I hope this tape is true. It would be quite a spectacle. But it's probably false.

  3. As a fat smoker, I am offended by this man.


  4. To be honest, I hope this tape is true. It would be quite a spectacle.

    It would be more than a spectacle, SJ. It would be a killshot.

    Which is why, if such a tape existed, the Clinton campaign -- in do-or-die mode for the past couple of months -- would've found a way to get it out there.

    Therefore... doesn't exist. Or rather: It exists in that magical parallel universe where there's also videotape of Hillary making out with Huma Abedin; and Obama having gay limousine sex; and John McCain collaborating with his Communist captors.

  5. David, if Michelle Obama said such a thing (which I think is likely), thus demonstrating that she is something akin to a "black nationalist" would you still support Barack Obama?

  6. If Michelle said such a thing on videotape, the question would be moot.

    Depending on what exactly she might've said, it wouldn't bother me too tough. Who hasn't bitched about whitey?

  7. Loved the New Yorker Stone piece, but kept waiting for one question that was never asked: Rog, when did you start taking human growth hormone and steroids, and how did you get it?
    Still think he'll show up in one of those Albany or IRS investigations of illegal roid dealing by "compounding pharmacies," like a lot of baseball players did.
    BTW, I'm whitey, and I complain about whitey.

  8. Trying to have their cake and eat it too......they are hoping the rumor is just as damaging as the actual tape, now that it has seeped into the mainstream.

    I fear we ain't seen nothing yet.

  9. If Hannity or Limbaugh or Matt Drudge take it to the next level, you're right, Dre. Won't matter if the tape ever existed... the rumor will spread to millions.

  10. Lord, let this mess be decided by the delegates on Friday!

  11. "Depending on what exactly she might've said, it wouldn't bother me too tough. Who hasn't bitched about whitey?"

    So your a hypocrite. If it doesnt bother you then I guess you are a black nationalist.

  12. ^ Rhonda, black nationalists aren't the only ones entitled to bitch about whitey.

    The word "whitey" itself is a fixture of African-American culture... from Gil Scott-Heron and Richard Pryor to Sly Stone and Dave Chappelle.

    Black nationalism is a mindset and a way of being that, in my opinion, defines blackness too much in terms of victimology and grievance and a sense of apartness from America.

    Michelle Obama might share that mindset, I don't know the woman. So it's not her hypothetical utterance of the word "whitey" that would shape my opinion of her one way or the other.

  13. What if she was just complaining about her mother in law?

  14. Geez - it's not even the run for the presidency yet. This is going to get worse.

    I'm less disturbed by Mrs. Obama possibly uttering the word "whitey" than I am by that ad.

    I'm thinking that dude's wife isn't the only one in that couple who likes military body building guys. Why is there a current photo of him showing off his moobs?

    It's WRONG.

    Clearly repressed homosexuality can turn one into quite the angry vindictive bitch.

  15. I've asked around the church's media department. No such tape exist.....

  16. I'm thinking that dude's wife isn't the only one in that couple who likes military body building guys.

    Quirkychick, you crack me up so much! Plus I think you've figured this guy out totally with just two pictures.


  17. As a white person, I remain continually amused, though not surprised, at the pearl-clutching of some sections of my fellow white folk when they hear black people complain about us.

    OMIGOD, Michelle Obama called me "Whitey!" I'm going to sleep with the light on tonight!

  18. dan coyle,

    Most white people don't fear Michelle Obama because she says things like "whitey."

    In reality, most are merely mimicking the juvenile hypersensitivity learned from black victim culture while others are experiencing their first realization of just how oppressive black victimology has become.

  19. Mills...

    "Black nationalism is a mindset and a way of being that, in my opinion, defines blackness too much in terms of victimology and grievance and a sense of apartness from America."

    Black Nationalism ain't got shit to do with victimology and, as an political strategy is thoroughly American, David.

    That said, what would you call the dominant political strategy of the white folks who classify themselves as Jews in this country?

  20. If someone thinks that the rumor is a good as the tape, they have poor political-fu. This is exactly the sort of thing that backfires more often than it helps.

    If they really do have the tape, and they hold it long enough to have all the usual suspects call it BS and impossible before they release it, then they have very strong political-fu.

  21. What amazes me is how people like Stone, swinger, who should have crawled under a rock after their scandals emerge, e.g., Rush Limbaugh, drug addict, are even allowed on television, much less treated seriously.

    BTW, when's the last time you called anyone "whitey"? There are a whole lot of words that I use to cuss people, but that isn't even on my list.

  22. I wish some of Chris Rock's fake racial slurs from SNL had stuck.

    "Tape: Michelle Obama railing against YAKOOs"

  23. Black Nationalism ain't got shit to do with victimology...

    Say wot, Fish? An inextricable element of your own "Global System of White Supremacy" is the victimization of non-white peoples.

    You define the world in terms of victimizers and victimized.

  24. Just read the New Yorker piece on the weekend and was fascinated to see the idiot actually speak. Did anyone else think he looked drugged? In what universe is this piece of pond scum a "political analyst"? Geraldo, you outdo yourself in the lowest common denominator category. After watching the video I felt like I needed a bath. And I'm another whitey who wouldn't turn a hair if I heard Michelle Obama had said that. Many of us richly deserve it!

  25. Can a white person please stand up and admit that they are genuinely offended by the words "whitey" or "honky"? Maybe it's from 300+ years of being called a dirty nigger/mammy/coon and whatever other dagger-like terms that have been used for black folks, but I just fail to see the sting that a term like "whitey" could ever deliver. I WISH there were a slur that diminutive for black folks. Whitey and honky sound like play-names for the trailer-trash versions of dudes with names like junebug and peanut.

  26. i bitch about whitey all the time. the nobel laureate j.m. coetzee and his disgusting post-apartheid novel, Disgrace, just days ago.
    meanwhile, how deal with fox news? boycott of advertisers? can fcc licenses still be challenged or have they co-opted that?
    i will watch this space.

  27. Thembi is right. I've been cursed out a few times by black folks and no, no whitey or honkey, not even an ofay. I've been called guerito in Mexico which literally means whitey, but with at most mild mockery...

    The tape business is an effort to persuade credulous folks that something like this really exists, and unnerve Obama supporters. Darkest fears -- deep down, maybe he really hates us! You're gonna see the whole catalogue of racist nightmares in the next five months -- Muslim antichrist terrorist black nationalist drug-peddler, havin' gay sex in the limo between appointments. I see a screenplay.

    It's also an interesting lesson in the differences between gender and race. There's no Hillary Clinton rumor you could make up that would freak people out like this.

  28. I'm hearing the Barack might have another "video problem." I talked to somebody who has seen an Obama family home video, and one of Obama's daughters can clearly be heard saying that she "hates crackers."

    (However, she might have been referring to saltines.)

  29. Dan Coyle said...
    As a white person, I remain continually amused, though not surprised, at the pearl-clutching of some sections of my fellow white folk when they hear black people complain about us.

    OMIGOD, Michelle Obama called me "Whitey!" I'm going to sleep with the light on tonight!

    ROFLMAO.....Dave...that is a made my night with that one...LMAO

  30. ^ Who the fuck's talking about journalism, Chumley? Didn't you know this was a goddamn knife fight?

    Roger Stone is an admitted liar. He lied when the Enquirer busted his VD-ridden hoebag ass 12 years ago.

    He is an instrument of evil in American public life. And if you're on his side, that makes you one too.

  31. "Whitey" and "honky" ain't shit. She needs to bust out with "redneck" or "trailer trash" and then watch the crackas spin :-D

  32. Oh come on. I mean seriously, whitey, cracker, redneck and trailer trash?

    As far as name calling goes none of that comes even close to the level of hateful names that get leveled at people whose skin ain't white.

    Perhaps the fact that Stone is a deviant, and I mean that in a semantical way as opposed to a judgmental way, shouldn't come into play with regard to what he's "reporting" but really at the end of the day, it all comes down to credibility.

    If you are going to besmirch someone else's credibility you are asking to have your own examined.

    Stone is practicing "yellow journalism" when he reports sensationalized rumors as news. Hearst started a war with that crap and Fox News is doing everything they can to sink Obama with the same tactics.

    It's more offensive than the word whitey will ever be. So is Stone and I'm not talking about his sexual habits. I could give a shit about that - although he should really keep his shirt on.

  33. ... I'm not talking about his sexual habits. I could give a shit about that...

    You're giving Roger Stone more consideration than he gave Gov. Spitzer when he outed Spitzer as a whoremonger.

    Roger Stone lives to create political chaos... and to destroy Democrats as persons. He enjoys it.

    I would throw away the Queensbury Rules to stop what he's trying to do to the Obamas.

  34. Hee hee, I remember reading this dude's ad in the DC city paper personals (for informational purposes only, you understand)(that shit's a lot tamer here in Charleston SC), it was running in various permutations for well over a year.
    As soon as I heard that a big-time R. politico was advertising for group stuff, I thought, oh yeah, that dude.
    As a lean liberal non-smoker, I'm glad this asshole is now sporting a body like an unmade bed.

  35. Oh come on. I mean seriously, whitey, cracker, redneck and trailer trash?

    As far as name calling goes none of that comes even close to the level of hateful names that get leveled at people whose skin ain't white.

    Lighten up, Francis.

  36. Yes, I am offended by Whitey, Honkey, Cracker, Peckerwood, Redneck, and all the others. I have genuinely known black people who hated me for no reason other than the color of my skin, and make it perfectly clear, in those words and others.

    I'll stop being offended when it doesn't matter. When the First Lady of the United States uses racial slurs casually, the US is in a bad place, past or future. That is the way it has been, and that is how it will be.

  37. When the First Lady of the United States uses racial slurs casually, the US is in a bad place, past or future.

    1) President Johnson referred to Martin Luther King as a "goddamn nigger preacher."

    2) President Nixon referred to Henry Kissinger as "my jewboy."

    3) There is no reason to believe Michelle Obama has ever used racially derogatory language in public. None!

  38. Whitey = "why'd he?" She was referring to Bush.

    This is nothing more than a Rebublican whisper campaign. Get used to it.

    BTW, I am a 40 year old African- American female. I have never heard anyone in my family or any of my AA friends use the word 'whitey' to refer to white people. I only heard that on the "Jeffersons."

    Just saying.

  39. This rumor has been officially debunked. Go to this link if you are interested.

  40. By The People: The Election of Barack Obama is one of the best Obama documentaries
