Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rush, Fox News and the ‘whitey’ rumor

The satanically clever thing about the “whitey” rumor – and other such instruments of political sabotage – is that you can’t even analyze it and condemn it without spreading it.

But dammit... I can’t ignore what’s happening with this poisonous gossip against Michelle Obama.

The Internet rumor of a “bombshell videotape” has crossed another species barrier; Rush Limbaugh just mentioned it on his radio show.

Which might give other unscrupulous media folks (like Sean Hannity) a license to talk about it on their air. (Even though Limbaugh says “I have not spoken to anyone who has seen the tape.”)

Limbaugh presented a sound bite of “Fox & Friends” from earlier today. It was a Democratic political analyst – Bob Beckel – referring obliquely to the “whitey” video, without mentioning the words “whitey” or “video.”

Instead, Beckel said there’s a rumor of something devastating that’ll drop on Michelle Obama “tomorrow.”

Beckel said he has heard this from enough people that “I’m worried about it.”

Reminds me of those end-of-the-world rumors. “The world will be destroyed on December 31, 1999!” Then, when it isn’t, they just push the date back.

Fox News is in the political sabotage business, plain and simple.

Saddest thing of all: We who have been caught up in the optimism of Barack Obama’s campaign have no weapons to fight this kind of witchcraft. We’re just letting it happen.

We need “Hellboy” on our side or some shit...

UPDATE (06/03/08): If you wish to hear exactly what Rush Limbaugh said this morning – plus the Bob Beckel soundbite – click here. It’s a 3-minute audio clip.


  1. You know after awhile you get tired of fighting faux ignorance and those that like to pander to the lowest educational level. That’s how I view anyone who engages in watching FoxFakeNews. If the general American public would like to believe that there is a tape out there with Mrs. Obama using the word Whitey with absolutely no proof in circulation then what can you do. These are people who are stalwart believers in the good of Christianity as long as you don’t try to cross into my territory. I know of no weapon for HIPOCRASY if you discover one patent that shit you will make millions.

    As far as Mrs. Obama’s alleged comments I would like to hear them in their entirety without doctored snippets reminiscent of comments made by Dr. Rev. Wright which inundated television for a month.

  2. When do you admit that Obama isn't the optimistic, feel-good leader you thought, and is actually a hateful, divisive figure?

    Just keep pushing that date back, I guess.

  3. " a hateful, divisive figure" ? Sounds like YOU slipped and fell into the haterade.

  4. Or maybe the big meanies sometimes have a point? I know nothing about this latest thing, but there's plenty of things about Obama that should give a voter pause before electing him to the highest office in the land. I think it's sad that he, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain are the best our country can offer.

  5. ... but there's plenty of things about Obama that should give a voter pause before electing him to the highest office in the land.

    So why not just argue against his liberalism and his inexperience?

    Because Obama's opponents evidently realize that that's not enough to take him down.

    Hence, the "dirty tricks."

    What does it tell you about the nature of his enemies, John Peterson, that they will lie in order to sabotage him??

  6. Mr. Mills,

    This story has legs for one reason only and that is the frothing-at-the-mouth Michelle Obama. In fact, the only thing that is surprising is that there aren't many of these tapes with her ranting about "whitey."

  7. Looks like Chris Rock was right about Michelle, eh, UBM? ;-D

  8. ^ I forgot the joke! Can you remind me?

  9. So Thordaddy... if the "whitey" tape turns out to be a lie... a total act of sabotage and political witchcraft... you got no problem with that? That's the culture you want?

  10. This story has legs for one reason only...

    Wrong. This story has legs because some people will believe anything, and because most people are intrigued by malicious gossip, and because in the Internet age a lie can go twice around the world before the truth puts on its socks.

  11. The satanically clever thing about the “whitey” rumor – and other such instruments of political sabotage – is that you can’t even analyze it and condemn it without spreading it.

    Ed Zachary! And I'm sure the family or soldier sitting in a warzone somewhere in Iraq would be more than happy for this type of bombshell to fall on their head vs. the real one.

    When it rains, I'll raise my umbrella.

  12. All politicians will lie to get ahead, and Obama and his people are no exception, as far as I can tell. Do we really think that there is one brave, noble soul trying to "unite" America in a wonderful, well-defined, cooperative "unity," who would succeed but for the enmity of callous saboteurs? I have no doubt that Obama would do the same should it win him the election.

    On the other hand, not everything is relative and there are good and bad choices. I have seen or heard nothing substantial to defend Obama from the charge that he is part of a radical black nationalist group beholden to special interests that would do harm to the country if given power.

    I don't care what Michelle Obama said in some isolated circumstance, but at some point I need to hear more than just rhetoric about fuzzy unity and not being cynical and taking back Washington and change I can believe in but never hear articulated rationally-- something to show that what looks consistently like hate-filled cultural salvation personality cult race politics from Obama is just the work of right-wing propaganda. Because right now, it's looking pretty accurate.

  13. ^ And yet your people can't make that stick without resort to sabotage and witchcraft.

    Listen, genius: Presidents -- first-term presidents especially -- must govern from the center. Because they're already thinking about the re-elections.

    So please deal with your fears of white genetic and cultural annihilation and try to get rational. And DON'T create a hospitable atmosphere for political slow-poisoners like Roger Stone.

  14. Oh, I forgot that all first-term presidents are the same, since they are all worried about re-election. My bad. I guess you won't mind me voting for McCain then?

  15. Or is the cultural annihilation not scheduled until the second term?

    Seriously, though, I've read and enjoyed this blog for a while. I only commented because whenever the topic turns to Obama, it's just totally irrational.

  16. I guess you won't mind me voting for McCain then?

    I don't care who you vote for, John. You don't owe Barack Obama anything. He must earn your vote... and everybody else's. And if he doesn't, so be it.

    But my God, man... the "whitey" video rumor is the moral equivalent of the Hillary's-a-lesbian rumor and the McCain-collaborated-with-the-enemy rumor. But those other two haven't been mentioned or alluded to on Fox News's air.

    The anti-Obama rumor has.

    Do you or do you not, John, think that political sabotage through malicious lies is a bad thing in our public life?

    Or is your soul already dead?

  17. Don't sweat John Peterson, Dave, he's just one of the many fools clearly assigned to troll sites supportive of Obama and throw goo into the mix. Which would be fine if they ever made good points instead of accusations.

    I find just bizarre this concept of some secret black nationalist agenda that Black people are suspected to make happen when in power. Black people have been in every possible high ranking govt. position there is. Who was more nationalist than Thurgood Marshall?

    Colin Powell as Sec of State? Condi? The heads of Labor, Commerce, HHS and Transportation under Clinton? Where's the get back at whitey laws that got enacted based on those roles?

    What action in this country impacts one group that does not directly or indirectly impact all? Presidents don't even have the power to make laws. It's just too ridiculous.

    Oh, and my word verification this time was Goodbooty. Is someone at Blogger in the joke business?

  18. he's just one of the many fools clearly assigned to troll sites supportive of Obama and throw goo into the mix.

    Wow, holy shit. Who's the conspiracy theorist now? I never, ever post on political sites. If you click on my name, (which is my real name, which a troll wouldn't use), you will see that I have a baseball blog. If you search for me on the Int ertubes, you will find almost exclusively baseball posts.

    UCB, in answer to your question, I do think political sabotage through public lying is bad for everyone. I couldn't care less how biased Fox News is because I don't watch it or any other cable news program or channel. But go ahead and accuse me of being soulless because I doubt for a second that Obama is the political messiah and for a moment I might have considered that even though character assassinations are malicious, sometimes they have some truth to them.

    I would much rather talk about actual meaningful policy and qualifications in choosing the president. Not that Obama has much of those. That's why his supporters choose to focus on how he's a victim of smear and lies, which he undoubtedly is.

  19. But go ahead and accuse me of being soulless...

    Not an accusation, just a question. Because this particular piece of political witchcraft should hurt your heart.

    And it does more than victimize Obama... it corrodes our national spirit.

  20. Where's the get back at whitey laws that got enacted based on those roles?

    Well, Eric... they did dodge a bullet with Lani Guinier. ;^)

  21. Mr. Mills, are you really supporting Barack Obama for president? I read in an interview with David Simon that you were the one who pitched the idea of a sixth season devoted to the massive third world influx of aliens (an absolutely brilliant idea that I wish to God had materialized). Don't you realize that Obama supported wholeheartedly the Amnesty "reform"--sponsored by the criminally insane Ted Kennedy and George W. Bush--for the 12-20 (it's way higher than that) illegal aliens currently in the United States? A "plan" which over 90% of the population understandably opposed and still does.

    As a resident of the Southwest I can testify to the utter chaos that has ensued because of this invasion (hospitals closing, high violent crime rates, disease, drugs, overpopulated prisons etc.). People are still saying "they're doing the jobs Americans won't do" (a phrase coined by the Bush administration I might add) yet a recent study showed that over a third of them are unemployed. I don't blame them personally--I can understand their wanting to come here. The blame should be directed at the treasonous politicians who support and encourage these disastrous policies like George W. Bush, Hilary Clinton, John McCain, and yes, Barack Obama.

    The man has also advocated a PREEMPTIVE STRIKE on Iran for christ sake. We're talking about a country that has never attacked us, never will attack us, and has every right, as a sovereign nation, to pursue nuclear capabilities--whether for energy or defensive purposes. (Obama has also threatened the use of force against Pakistan.)

    Forget about Fox News, Mills. It will always be a joke--just like CNN and MSNBC will always be a joke to a slightly lesser degree. All three networks love Barack Obama, by the way. Don't deny it. If they didn't like him they would be ignoring him or attacking him like they did Ron Paul. Just stop watching mainstream news altogether, unless it's for a laugh or agitprop research. You'll feel much better I promise.

    All of the 'mainline' candidates this year are lying, manipulative cocksuckers--just like 99% of the traitorous politicians on Capital Hill who sell us out at the drop of a hat for special interest handjobs and pledge subservience to every mudfucking AIPAC lobbyist trying to subvert the USA to conform to the "interests" of Israel (a nation that HAS attacked us, repeatedly).

    Obama is really nothing special. In fact he is a joke and if I were black I'd wanna punch him even harder than I already do. I haven't a shred of hope in the 'ballot box' or the democratic system, especially not for this upcoming election. I will probably be voting for either Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party) or Ron Paul (write-in), or not voting at all. I don't think I'm alone either.

  22. Sure, Johnny-boy, the Obama campaign hates whitey.

    Not just Obama himself, who of course hates his mom and his grandparents. All the Obama advisers. Axelrod hates whitey. So does Plouffe.

    And all those accomplished, experienced white women politicians - they hate whitey too. Claire McCaskill hates whitey. Janet Napolitano hates whitey. Kathleen Sebelius? Life time member of the Fruit of Islam. Hell, all the Kennedy's hate whitey.

    Rahm Emmanuel, who used to work for the Clintons, but switched over to Obama? White hater. George Soros, billionaire money man? Hates honkies with such passion he beats the shit out of himself every night before he goes to bed.

    Yeah, Johnny come lately, you called that one. Spot on.

  23. Kathleen Sebelius? Life time member of the Fruit of Islam.


  24. I forgot the joke! Can you remind me?

    The joke was that Obama can't win the presidency because he's married to a black woman, and black women aren't content to sit quietly on the sidelines (then he made the quarterback analogy).

    People are still saying "they're doing the jobs Americans won't do" (a phrase coined by the Bush administration I might add)

    I could have sworn I heard that phrase plenty when I was a kid, long before any Bush became president.

  25. Kathleen Sebelius? Life time member of the Fruit of Islam.:^)

    No comment on the claim that George Soros beats the shit out of himself every night before he goes to bed?

    Damn. I must be slippin.

  26. If someone makes racist comments, belongs to a racist church, and associated with racists, I cannot see how it is a "dirty trick" to expose this.

    If Obama were white and was in the KKK for 20 years many here would be screaming. What a joke.

  27. Agreed - exposing truth does not constitute a "dirty trick".

    Making shit up, and pulling stuff from your ass - as in the case of this ridiculous fabrication - does.

    Enough of this nonsense though.

    Congrats to Obama!! What an amazing speech, and what an astute, disciplined campaign he has run.

    Who knew the Clinton team would be so mismanaged and awful? What with her reluctance to fire incompetent staff members, her dishonesty, and refusal to concede defeat, she reminds me of a certain other mendacious politician...

  28. Who knew the Clinton team would be so mismanaged and awful? What with her reluctance to fire incompetent staff members, her dishonesty, and refusal to concede defeat, she reminds me of a certain other mendacious politician...

    Mm-hmm. And I'm afraid that's why she must not be the vice presidential nominee.

    Can you imagine Hillary Clinton -- with her own clique of fiercely loyal (to her) yet chaotic and fractious minions -- as a power center within an Obama Administration?

    Add Bill to the mix and you've got a drama-making machine that would be a nightmare.

    If Obama can't win without her... then he can't win. And like George Clinton said (in "Chocolate City," appropriately enough): "If I can't cop, it ain't mine to have."

  29. Mr. Mills,

    The tape, whether it exists or not, simply crystalizes in the mind what most self-aware whites already know about Michelle Obama.

    When her husband claims "they said" he couldn't be president, who is "they?"

    I don't see this rumor being anymore malicious than the rumor claiming that President Bush "knew" that Iraq had no WMDs and no ties to terrorists.

    It seems like we have to lower the bar of criticism on account of the Obama's black skin, no?

  30. If you look real close at the Zapruder film, you'll notice Obama there holding a high-powered rifle. Seriously, it would be common knowledge except for the massive cover-up.


    P.S. I could give a shit if Obama's wife is a loose cannon who used the word whitey. Just as much as I cared that Betty Ford was an alcoholic. Or that Nancy Reagan let Frank Sinatra pound her on a conference table in the White House (oops, that may be a rumor).
