Saturday, June 14, 2008

‘If you can’t deal widdit, then move out the way!’

Never let it be said that I ignore dissenting opinions.


  1. In regards to the fact that what I think doesn't enter into her consideration and I should just keep scrollin' on, I'm perplexed as to why she took 5 minutes and 7 seconds to say nothing. Given Clinton and Obama's similar stances on most issues, I don't see how Clinton is out there speaking for her every day of the week in a way that Obama is not. I guess since McClain offers her job security with his 100 years war, she's attracted to that.
    LOL, this just proves voting is all about personality and who you want to sit down and have a forty with. Go 'head Miss Thing.

  2. In her mind, Obama's crew must have dissed her at some point, oh well.

    She has a right to think and vote as she wishes, and I do commend her on her willingness to fight for her country.

    Sad thing is, she's talking a lotta smack now but if she ever gets her ass-cheek pricked with a hot rock while in a foxhole, she may end up in Walter Reed face-down wondering what the hell she was doing in Iraq in the first place. ...but maybe not.

    Also, UBM, that Albert King clip was dope! I played a little axe in my day and I spent hours as a teen with my ear to the stereo trying to cop every lick in "Born Under a Bad Sign". That damn Flying V sings! RIP Albert, ...RIP


  3. what chew will do.


    I LIKE HER!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a chump. I guess it's true what they say, that Hillary appeals to the "low-information" (i.e. "stupider") voter.

  5. Tanyetta: I kinda like her too. And I don't doubt she's been on the receiving end of some nasty, nasty messages.

  6. Fishes: Glad you liked that Albert King!

    Kellybelle: Like you, I don't quite get how here loyalty to Hillary Clinton will translate into a vote for John McCain. Maybe when she casts that vote in November... from wherever she's deployed to... she'll think differently.

  7. She lost now what? Whats your contingency? You sit here with your holier than though attitude insupport to the military's greatest enemy (HRH). YOu said becuase you have been to several theatres that no one can second geuss your stance, well I was in Panama in 1989, the First Gulf War( 73 Eastings ring a bell?, you were just a baby), and spent two tours in the current Gulf and I am now an O-6. I guess thats enough cred without legally outranking you to pronounce my opinion: HRH was a misguided, self centered, self serving, power hungry harridan and she got what she deserved for her and her husbands'apparent diservice to the Military and nation. Stand down. HRH is not and will never be my Commander in Chief.

  8. I had to watch it again. She was FUNNY! I like her hair and could NOT take my eye off the bear in the background!!!

    The sad part was the mean comments on her youtube page saying they hope she gets killed in the sandbox. NOPE. That's NOT cool.

  9. She is no more likly to be killed than any other REMF in a non- combat arm. If she is truly party of the RA, which I doubt, she know what I am talking about.

  10. @Anonymous. The fact that people even wrote that to her was VILE!

  11. ^ Exactly, Tanyetta. People say all kinds of vicious stuff on the internets... it's a shame.

    (And I never noticed that bear until you said!)

  12. The fact that she would perpretrate that she is a combat soldier is vile as well. She needs to go back to her NG unit.
