Tuesday, June 3, 2008

‘I shocked the world!’

Barack Obama has just sewn up the Democratic Party’s nomination for president of the United States, ending a six-month primary season that blew the world’s mind.

His Republican opponent, John McCain, is talking shit about him right now on a campaign stump. Yeah, boyee... let the contest begin!

If Obama and Hillary Clinton say anything interesting in their speeches tonight, I’ll blog about it here.

9:24 p.m. (Pacific Time) – I find myself without much to add tonight. And not because I’ve allowed a malicious rumor to harsh my buzz.

One of my sisters phoned me tonight during Obama’s speech, and she was totally giggling. She attended segregated public schools in Washington, D.C. She says she never thought she’d live to see a night like tonight.

The only thing I want to mention has nothing to do with that. It has to do with a conversation we had here several months ago... about black slang that crosses over into the mainstream.

On MSNBC a short while ago, the esteemed journalist Howard Fineman pondered the question “What does Hillary want?”

And Mr. Fineman said: “She wants her props from him.” (From Obama, that is.)

Hee-hee-heeeee... “props.”

Okay, Howie. You best be addin’ a lot more of that flava to your vocabulary, homebwah. There’s a new sheriff in town, nawm sayn?


  1. Whatever the hell it proves to be, it is now at least American history, ...and a good sign!


  2. ^ Yes. And nobody can say he didn't earn it.

  3. Look at my man rocking the mini fro!

    I'm not ashamed about crying when the CNN projection went up. I'm not ashamed about shouting to my neighbors from my window. I'm not ashamed about dancing in the driveway.


  4. A wonderful day to be an American.

    In the years to come, your grandchildren will ask you about this night.

    Take the time to breath it in. Take the time to recognize the significance of this day.


  5. @ jorge....

    Oh... and this white man shed more than a few tears this evening too.

  6. Bow your head:

    Heavenly Father,
    We come to you thanking you for this historic nomination. Guide Barack, Jesus, protect him, keep him in your grace, let no weapon formed against him prosper. In Jesus name, Amen.

    Forgive me, I'm a Black woman and you know how we got Jesus on the mainline, LOL!

    Okay. Fired up! Ready to go!

  7. Obama shouldn't run, it's Hillary's time. He'll have his time later. Oh wait. Who WON again?

  8. Word, UBM.

    Amen kellybelle.


  9. I especially liked his effusive praise for my candidate, HRC. Sure, he's probably pandering to get Hillary's supporters' votes, but hell, I'm almost never in a position for a candidate to pander to me, so bring it on! Earn my vote, Obama! :-)

  10. But you have to appreciate the gall of Hillary to say tonight that she's going to continue her campaign for now.

    I wonder if come January, when Obama is sitting in the Oval Office, if she'll be out there on the trail saying "the fight is still going on, I won't give up"

    I'm all for fighting to the end, but the more she keeps this up, the more silly she's looking.

  11. @ Malcolm...

    Than come by my place and we'll manweep together. :)

    Yes we can, my man.

  12. Did you see McCain's speech...compared to Obama's? McCain is an impossibly bad speaker who has to defend the last seven years to boot. Republicans are going to have to throw a heap of shit to win this one.

  13. I'm all for fighting to the end, but the more she keeps this up, the more silly she's looking.

    Except she's not fighting anymore--she's jockeying for position (preferably veep).

  14. UBM, Fineman had a choice moment there with "props"... but, come one, the BEST exchange of the evening HAD to be this one between Anderson Cooper and Donna Brazile.

    Cracked. Me. Up!

  15. Those that like to take their daily does of haterade will be out full throttle today. Stay vigilant people! Barack needs us now more than ever. Sign up on his website, phone banking is the easiest thing you can do, get out so that you can tell future generations you did not only witness history but also that you were apart of it.

  16. ... she's jockeying for position (preferably veep).

    Must. Not. Happen.

    It would be like that "Flintstones" episode when Fred let those hillbillies move into his house... pure chaos.

  17. Cracked. Me. Up!

    Pure delight. Thanks, Jorge. I missed that.

  18. Jorge,

    My insomniac self saw that exchange between Donna Brazile and Andersen Cooper at 5:00 a.m. Geneva time. I thought it was the lack of sleep because I couldn't believe that she actually said "You're not my boo," I almost fell off the sofa. It was so funny, so weird, so what's in those coffee cups?

    Then when Jeff Toobin labeled the Clintons' as "deranged narcism" I thought that David Gergen was going to fall off his chair. It's been a such loooong campaign, no wonder these folks are acting so crazy.

    What a wonderful day in America. I wish I was there.

  19. Whew!

    Almost there. Still lots of work to do. I hear he's heading into Appalacha to do some campaigning. Go BO! Hail to the chief! I might just apply for one of those good gov'ment jobs my mother used to beg me to get.

  20. Oh... and this white man shed more than a few tears this evening too.

    ^^^You're white?!?!:?

  21. @ aquilogy.

    Yes, I am a white man.

    That doesn’t mean that I have to stand at the back of the blog, does it?

    I am also a life-long republican who has donated $ to the Obama campaign, and who looks forward to voting for him in November.

  22. Must. Not. Happen.

    Might be the only way to get all her voters on his side.

  23. In case you're swallowing the popular vote spin the Clinton campaign keeps "Roving" (a la Karl Rove - say the untruth loud and often and people will believe), Please refer to this Real Clear Politics link (a non-partison, respected political site) and see the numbers for yourself and decide.

  24. As I suggested to Obama today via my once-every-few-month e-mails:

    What he needs to do now is to be seen in public with as many big-name democratic women as he can (other than Hillary of course).

    There is a fundamental issue here: As the next President of the United States, he cannot allow himself to be put into a position where he is being dictated to by a subordinate.

    He is the nominee, she is not. He is in charge, she is not.

    If he is seen in public with a bunch of powerful women democrats, it will send the subtle message that there is more than one woman who can be VP.

    If he names a woman other than her as his running mate, he can cut her off at the knees while still picking up much of the woman demographic.

    She needs to understand that she has a choice: she can either fall in line or get out of the way. She wants to be the first woman President. Obama is now in the position (by nominating someone else), to end that dream RIGHT NOW.

    She needs to come to grips with this.

  25. Might be the only way to get all her voters on his side.

    Then he'll have to find another way to win, dez. What about the chunk of Obama's own base -- anti-war stalwarts, for one -- who backed him because they couldn't stand Clinton?

    Choosing Hillary as veep would be the living enactment of that fable about the frog and the scorpion crossing the river.

  26. As your neighbor in the North,I am overjoyed as well.

    Now the question will be,if(I hope) 'Bam gets elected,should his priority be to try and repair the damage done by past governments globaly or at home first?

    What do you think should be his #1 mission during his term(s)?

    If he could only accomplish one thing over the next four years,or has he already accomplised it for some people?

  27. What do you think should be his #1 mission during his term(s)?

    If he could only accomplish one thing over the next four years,or has he already accomplised it for some people?

    He has to make energy security and all that that entails as foundational and gripping as the space race. Everything else is merely conversation compared with that issue. (not to mention, it encompasses enough else to be pretty far-reaching)

  28. She needs to understand that she has a choice: she can either fall in line or get out of the way.

    People have been saying this since Obama entered the race, and it's one reason why so many of Hillary's supporters refuse to vote for him. Why does the woman have to get out of the man's way? Screw that noise.

    Also, apparently someone in his campaign is floating the balloon that he's been amenable to having Hillary as VP, but that she's the one who said no. What a crock of [brown word] that is--*he's* the one who didn't want her on his ticket. Tactics like this are what is costing him my vote. It's the same old politics all over, "hope" and "change" be damned.

    Crap, I'm pissed off all over again.

  29. BTW, UBM, it's waaay too early to be comparing Obama to Lincoln. Let him accomplish something other than being the presumptive Democratic party presidential nominee (since the electoral votes haven't actually been cast yet) before you go there.

  30. Yay, war with Iran and Eastern Europe! Massive third world immigration! Can't wait! You are all severely brainwashed and I feel sorry for you. If you think this Zionist-approved candidate is "change" or "hope" or "wish" you are sorely mistaken. To be fawning over a politician because he's "black" is not what grown adults should be doing. Pick the candidate who puts the interests of America first--that ain't Barack Obama, sorry.

  31. Mills...

    "She attended segregated public schools in Washington, D.C."

    Must be a young girl, she. As far as I know they ain't integrated yet.

    By the way, Dave. What did I tell you many moons ago about Clinton positioning herself to be VP? I think thereupon you called me the equivalent of nuts or something.

    Me thinks you can give me my "props" just about now. ;)

  32. i am laughing out loud and look very much forward to the sight of brian williams diddlybopping onto the nightly set.

  33. Black folks weren't really upset when Jesse didn't win the nomination, because even though we may have supported him, we KNEW he wasn't the one.

    Hillary is a hell of a lot more presidential than Jesse, but under pressure, her lack of class, her discomfort in her own skin, her willingness to jettison any principle for the sake of winning, proved to the world she's not the one either.

    There was a time when the Democrats needed that gangsta energy. Bill was a rock star that could match the Republican tactics stroke for stroke.

    But now that time is over...because we have the real thing.

    Hillary's cynical vote for the war was the first of many example of her lack of integrity. And she could have gotten over with it, but a rock star with real integrity and a genius machine beat her fair and square.

    And now,with every desparate floundering move, she demostrates her utter lack of class.

    I love that Obama just slapped Joe Lieberman around in public. He needs to do the same thing to Hillary to win this election. Excuse the term, but he's got to pimp slap her and put her in check. Her and Bill. He's got to be the Man and let the world know it, and it starts in his house.

    VP? She can't be dogcatcher. Pick a nice white man and win this thing.

  34. In my opinion, any benefits that Obama might gain from Clinton as a VP can be gained in about equal measure with merely a Clintonite (i.e. someone like Ed Rendell).

  35. This event will be historic for about a day or two and then real "progress" will presume.

    Real history will be when the Democrats nominate a genetically engineered animal/human hyrid that has a fluid sexual orientation and allegiance to nothing and everything simultaneously.

  36. first off i just want to say hell jyeah... stoked for obama and our country in general to say the least. that said, i just watched a one on one interview with obama on msnbc videos.


    the interviewer is talking about how someone was reporting about the vice presidency thing and how hillary is trying to emasculate obama and then asks "in basketball terms, is she at minimum trying to jam you?"

    anyone else think that was not necessary? im thinking it appears kinda harmless, because yes obama plays basketball. but in reality it serves as a reminder to those fools out there harboring latent racist tendencies and reinforces their image of obama as just another basketball playin brotha... am i stretching it? just sayin that could be possible and that it was completely unnecessary. anyone else agree?

  37. Do you guys remember this moment?


    So adorable.

  38. "nawm sayn?"

    So that's how it's spelled. Thanks!

    I am so proud of our country right now. Electing JFK must have felt like this, only this is way bigger.

    Jesse wasn't the Black candidate and Hillary wasn't the Woman candidate. I have faith that we'll see her in our lifetimes.

    I almost feel sorry for Granpa Simpson.

  39. Real history will be when the Democrats nominate a genetically engineered animal/human hyrid that has a fluid sexual orientation and allegiance to nothing and everything simultaneously.

    Maybe it's the Malt Duck talking... but I say this is the cleverest thing Thordaddy ever wrote.

  40. What did I tell you many moons ago about Clinton positioning herself to be VP? I think thereupon you called me the equivalent of nuts or something.

    You told of more than mere positioning, Mr. Fisher. You predicted a deal that would make Hillary and Obama "co-presidents," with Hillary switching to top position after the first term... if I remember correctly.

    An entertaining conjecture... but more than a little batshit.

    I'm quite prepared to give you props, however, for your earlier forecast... to wit: that Hillary's ultimate game, in defeat, was to sabotage Obama so she can run in 2012.

    But I can't do so until the future plays itself out.

  41. Mills...

    "You predicted a deal that would make Hillary and Obama "co-presidents," with Hillary switching to top position after the first term... if I remember correctly."

    Not so. Check out your archives. I said that is a deal she was aiming at, not that it actually would be made.

  42. It's a historic moment, no question. Certainly surprised the hell out of me.

    But I'm pessimistic by nature and fear that Obama may end up as the Black Al Smith.

    There's a huge demographic he must win over: the working-class white voter. He didn't do it in PA against Hillary, and I'm sure McCain already is drawing up plans to exploit white, blue-collar fear of Blacks.

    And did someone label Obama "zionist-approved." Lack of support from the Jewish voting block is one of his big weaknesses, and his opponents already have been trying to exploit it, i.e. talks with Iran, etc. Was that poster joking?

  43. "and I'm sure McCain already is drawing up plans to exploit white, blue-collar fear of Blacks."

    thats what im sayin. its been in the works for a long time. brian williams makin basketball references in his first interview since clinching the nomination.

  44. brian williams makin basketball references in his first interview since clinching the nomination.

    Goodness gracious, anon... Obama loves to play basketball!

  45. UBM,

    Yours was the first post that really brought it home to me that a Black man got the nomination!! w00t!! And that's when I got a little emotional.

    Honest to God, up to this point I've been digging mainly on the content of his character. The color of his skin had kinda slipped into the background.

    Amen, kellybelle. Amen.

  46. Wow, been under a rock for the past week. Great comments!

    Saw Maceo Parker last night. If you guys get a chance, don't walk - sprint to his show if he comes to your town. Great performance. Gotta see the icons when we can.
