Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hillary’s bitter-enders

Hillary Clinton gave a gracious speech today endorsing Barack Obama, thus ending the Democratic Party’s nomination drama (with minimal trauma).

Sen. Clinton may have run a chaotic campaign, but she did hit an impressive stride near the end. She departs the battlefield with dignity.

Yet some of her most fervid supporters on the World Wide Web are whining, spitting, cursing, screaming, bawling, and otherwise showing their hineys.

I swear, it does not reflect well on Hillary that her candidacy attracted so many nasty, hysterical freaks. Some of those walking embarrassments are refusing to lay down their weapons... because they hate Barack Obama with the white-hot heat of a million suns.

I’m talking about folks like blogger Larry Johnson (who continues to push the “whitey” rumor) and YouTube nuisance Paul F. Villarreal.

Here are some of the 371 comments posted today on the pro-Clinton blog Hillary Is 44:

“Our movement must stay strong to keep Hussein out of the White House .. him and his ugly ass wife.”

“NObama in NOvember.”

“I have been puking ever since she mentioned the name obama for the third time.”

“I hope Donna Brazil and the whole DNC get ass cancer. That’s mean but they have tried to smother Hillary and kill Bill with vile remarks for the whole campaign. I will NEVER support obama...”

“I am even more disgusted and disillusioned after visiting HRC’s site. ... If she’s raising money for that Prick I will have lost ALL respect for her!”

“For her to now support that disgusting, woman-hating, sexist, racist POS and what’s worse, scrounging for financial contributions on his behalf is nauseating.”

“we’ll get through this by taking action and standing firm against the ‘unity’ shit. for starters, i signed on to citizens for McCain this morning.”

“Look at a vote for McCain as insurance for a Hillary run in 2012.”

“The way I see it, the B.O. camp is treating us like an abusive boyfriend would. So if the McCain camp calls offering some warmth and understanding and wants to go on a date, I think I have enough self-respect to say ‘yes’ to that.”

For real... these geniuses probably ruined Hillary’s candidacy through the sheer karmic toxicity of their own stank vibes.


  1. The people who comment on the Hillary 44 site all seem one step away from going postal. I'm afraid that one of them is going to take Clinton's comments about Bobby Kennedy in June as a direct command.

    Clinton and the DNC need to find a way to address these crazies. They're scary.

  2. ^ All that negative energy is scary indeed, GenevaGirl. What has become of us as a society?

  3. It is scary. Wow! These are some sick puppies.

  4. My theory about these people is that they looked at the crazy Republicans of the last thirty years or so and said to themselves, "That looks like fun." In other words, while the people who left these comments may have political positions on the more compassionate (I hope) left, their tactics and strategy are pure slash-and-burn kill-your-enemy stuff. I think they want to be the Democratic Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage. Which, frankly, the world does not need.

  5. I frequent political discussion boards on Facebook. The Obama one has more than 500k members, the Hillary one is 26k. The back and forth between the two boards is rather amusing, and it got really nasty between the supporters...this is evident in the rest of the comments on the internet.

    Hillary supporters don't care about an agenda, they just care about the person. Unless Hillary gets the position they won't be satisfied. They should get over it and stop being sore losers.

  6. ^ Just to let you know, that is me who posted above...sorry about using the wrong account.

  7. I'm amazed they're willing to put their lives on hold for 4 yrs (McCain) for another woman's ambitions. McCain may involve the US in a war with Iran, continued presence in Iraq, allows lobbyists to set the agenda in the housing crisis and isn't serious about the welfare(education)of the troops or healthcare.
    Get ready for "I voted for Obama don't blame me" stickers.

  8. Wow. My mouth is just open. Ass cancer? That's just too much for my soul. I think Peggy Noonan summed it up best when she called Hillary's rabid supporter who will vote for McCain to spite their face, "lonely people."

  9. ... "lonely people."

    It's definitely personal, Kellybelle. Not business.

  10. Did anyone catch the recent CNN story where a 50ish, female Hillary backer said she would vote for McCain and she didn't want a black man as president?

    I understand this is not the Harriet video, but another one. I'm also told that CNN cut out the racist part on rebroadcast.

  11. UBM, I was trying to explain to my daughter what a sore loser was and used Hillary as an example. These rabid supporters are beyond this. What does their vitriol say about our country or Democrats?

    What will our country be like if Obama wins? Are we going to have to prepare for '68-style riots with a bunch of little, old white ladies running wild down the streets of Denver?

    Interestingly, McCain is using Carly Fiorina, the dumb blonde who ruined HP, as an economic spokeswoman. When she first took the HP job, she said that she was above talking about being a female CEO, she was a CEO - period - her gender didn't matter. As soon as the sh-t hit the fan, she cried sexism. Hillary did the same. (Fiorina who was dumped by the angry HP board is NOT who McCain should use as a spokeswoman, but that's good for our side.)

    Clinton supporters are blind to the fact that she ran a bad campaign: poor strategy, poor management, high debt. They should be more pissed off at her from going from having it in the bag to losing. They fail to see that Obama ran a disciplined campaign, flush with cash.

    Yeah, it just proves the adage: We have to work twice as hard and still don't get the credit.

    Sad, sad, sad. I was so excited to come home this summer, but now I'm not so sure.

  12. I just love all these pundits claiming Clinton ran a bad campaign, felt entitled, etc.

    The fact is that the liberal media was fully in the tank for the messiah and have for weeks on end been trying to end this primary in Obama's favor. They have even stated Hillary's concession before one has even taken place.

    I don't think liberalism has ever looked so rotten as it has in the last year or so. The party even went so far as to pretend as though following the rules was paramount to counting "all the votes."

  13. That picture is kind of demeaning, don't you think?

  14. Funny how Hillary wasn't in favor of counting the votes before she needed them. She had the "bitter" comments, Reverend Wright, Michelle Obama's comments etc. and yet she didn't manage to fully derail his bid.

  15. I have to say Billary bear a lot of responsibility for their deranged followers with some of the things they said.

    There are a lot of Obama followers who are "out there," but I don't doubt they'd have gotten aboard the Hillary Express if things had gone the other way.

  16. I have to say Billary bear a lot of responsibility for their deranged followers with some of the things they said.

    I agree, anon. It's the Law of Attraction. The more I read about the Clintons -- going back to their first days in the White House -- the more it seems they are crass, volatile, self-obsessed individuals.

    If Hillary had wrested the nomination from Obama, I probably would vote for McCain. But only because I couldn't reward Hillary for her "kitchen-sink" strategy... not because I'm a sore loser.

    Plus I think America needs to turn the page on the Clintons.

    Whereas the only reason for the Hillary bitter-enders to reject Obama is out of spite. How dare he rain on their parade by daring to run for president when it was Hillary's turn?!

    Nothing about the way Barack Obama conducted himself towards Hillary Clinton throughout this campaign justifies the bitter-enders' venomous hatred of him.

  17. That picture is kind of demeaning, don't you think?

    I think we all need to keep a sense of humor.

  18. The shoe has dropped, folks.

    The Michelle Obama whitey video has finally showed on up youtube. Sad day for Obama fans. God, I'm so distraught right now.

  19. GenevaGirl said...
    The people who comment on the Hillary 44 site all seem one step away from going postal. I'm afraid that one of them is going to take Clinton's comments about Bobby Kennedy in June as a direct command.

    Actually, one of them already made a reference to that back in mid-May. There is a site I go to that makes fun of the "Hillis44" site and the blogger pointed out a comment made by one of the "Hill Hags" in reference to Obama and RFK. In fact, rumor is, someone called the Secret Service on the person who made that comment. I don't know if anything came of it, but here is the link to the shadow site that monitors that "Hillis44" site. It is really good. And really funny.

  20. Thank you for destroying my Sunday, abe.

  21. Nothing about the way Barack Obama conducted himself towards Hillary Clinton throughout this campaign justifies the bitter-enders' venomous hatred of him.

    You're probably right, but he was pretty goddammed arrogant and condescending to her in the debates (particularly after his annointing by the media), so I understand where some of the ill feelings are coming from. And it's not like some Obama supporters haven't said equally hateful things about Hillary or about voting for McCain should Hillary have won the nomination (even on this hear fine blog o' yours). So there ya go.

    BTW, saw R.E.M. in Chicago this weekend and Michael Stipe was going on and on about how happy he was about Obama, thanking Chicago. The majority of the response was positive, FWIW (yes, even I clapped for Obama) :-)

  22. i think hillary and bill have been crass, volatile and etc. since well before 1992.
    connie bruck nailed them in 1994, i think it is, in an even-handed profile of hillary.

    i don't think she's a feminist. people say, well president of the student body at wellesley or whichever it was.

    i'm here to tell you that if you were there in those days, president of the student body was the last thing you wanted to be. it wasn't just for the dorks, it was for the brown-nosers and the declassee -- nice young ladies were blowing themselves up in their parents' greenwich village townhouses.

    what you wanted to be in those days was bernadine dohrn, for god's sake.

    not hillary.

    not then. not now.

    i do think the internet is irresistable to lunatics. so i take these comments with a grain of salt.

  23. i do think the internet is irresistable to lunatics. so i take these comments with a grain of salt.

    Yep, purejuice. Something about this medium absolutely feeds those with "obsessive thought patterns." So please pass the salt and I'll shift my own focus to other topics.

    And thanks for that New Yorker link. It'll take me a few sittings to get through all of it... but it's definitely worthwhile to pause and reflect on the remarkable arc of Hillary Rodham Clinton's political life.
