Friday, May 23, 2008

‘We cannot forgive you this, Senator...’

Yes, Keith Olbermann is the most self-important jackass on American television.

Whenever he unburdens himself of another so-called “Special Comment,” I prepare to be astounded yet again by his graceless prose, his ham acting, his pretenses to historical wisdom and his overarching tone of disrespect.

Still, I am mightily entertained whenever Keith goes off on Hillary Clinton... as he did tonight.

It helps that she had it coming.


  1. Would she really be dumb enough to really mean what we think she meant ?

  2. ^ Well... she's apparently too dumb to realize what everybody thought it sounded like... and to apologize accordingly.

  3. She's done this before. That's really the problem.

    Actually, I can't really blame Hillary. She's shown us what she is. Now we know.

    Now the question is, what are we going to do about it?

    If we continue to indulge her, we're complicit in enabling what seems to be a high functioning sociopath.

  4. I can't stand Olbermann. His special comments only make me laugh now.

  5. I loved his litany of dumb, divisive remarks she's made. It's an outline for a great political attack ad.

  6. Olbermann was on the money, though a little dramatic. I also loved the litany of dumb divisive attacks, "mispeaks," and plain assholicness.

    Dave you called a few posts back. She's campaigned chaotically.

    She's gotta be through as a politician. She's really exposed herself during this campaign. And it wasn't like she was that good a Senator before. In fact, if you believe that she possessed the experience she claims she possesses to be president, she has outright sucked as she's demonstrated no leadership during the worst presidency in history. Leahy, Kennedy, and Feingold have done more than she (and Obama for that matter) to push back against Bush.

    It's like every other week that she does or says something really stupid. Haven't we just gone through that the last eight years?

  7. I watch Keith just about every nighht, and I agree he's a little hard to take sometimes, but more of a self-important jackass than O'Reilly?

  8. I love Keith for a good Hillary-lashing. But even the right knows it's over. The anti-hillary blog, Stop Her Now is taking some time this holiday weekend to become Stop Him Now. Sigh.

  9. At least he made something upsetting kind of funny.

  10. I'm surprised to read some of these comments. I actually like Keith a lot and he is one of the few commentators on t.v. who has consistently supported or been fair to Obama.

    I found his essay to Hillary quite appropriate and I liked the one he did towards Bush not long ago.

    If it were not for Keith, Obama would be walked and stepped over, with very little support.


  11. Keith shot a slam-dunk with that one, it was right on in my book. Clinton knew exactly what her intent was in making those remarks, she was basically trying to conjure up a gun wielding "Pumpkin Head" from the hills of WV or KY as a last ditch effort to stop Obama.

    The stuff has started now, ...damn Hillary, you are one rank frizzeek!

  12. Love Keith, but that's besides the point. Hillary is the poster child for why neo-liberals are the worst. Forget politics, she just has no class. She's worse than W.

  13. I guess this means that VP "dream ticket" thing is off the table now.

  14. And I'd like to add....

    ...I am willing to bear my share of the responsibility, before history and before my fellow citizens. But past error is no excuse for its own perpetration. Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom....Now, as ever, we do ourselves best justice when we measure ourselves against ancient texts, as in Sophocles [from Antigone]: 'All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and he repairs the evil.' The only sin, he said, is pride."

    Robert F. Kennedy, 1968 in his speech at Kansas State University - apologizing for his role in the Vietnam War.

  15. Whoa, there's the quote that should end her whole campaign.

  16. As wrong as Clinton is, after watching that I think someone should send Keith some pearls to clutch.

  17. They should send Keith some pearls to clutch?

    And what exactly should they send Hillary? A straight jacket?

  18. Amid all the shrillness over her latest statement the press once again completely misses the fact that she is wrong in her assessment. While the primaries she's citing did indeed run LATER the also started later. By her logic this should have been wrapped up at least two months ago and the only reason they aren't is because once again, the Dem Party pussies out.

    She's not stupid, she's not crazy, she's not quitting and at this point ALL she is doing is poisoning the well from which we need to draw voters for the general.

    Thanks lots, Clintons. This will be your legacy but we, the voters, are the ones who will suffer.

  19. Nah, I like Olbermann's drama. Anyone who spends that much time calling white folks on their bullshit, in plain English and in a tone that calls them out time and again...I have to stand behind.

    He has called out Bush, Cheney, Rove, Limbaugh, Bill Bennet...and he keeps doing it and they can't touch him. It's awesome to witness.

    If Shillary got on his bad side, so be it. I still haven't forgiven her for that "Noways Tired" bullshit pandering.

  20. ... more of a self-important jackass than O'Reilly?

    By a foot, John. Politics aside, O'Reilly is a good broadcaster... much better than Olbermann.

    And O'Reilly's hustle is man-of-the-people populism, which I somehow find easier to take than Olbermann's supercilious left-dogmatism.

    And why does he keep mentioning Chester Arthur??

  21. I still haven't forgiven her for that "Noways Tired" bullshit pandering.

    That made me smile just to remember, Deborah.


    Shout out to veteran journo Liz Trotta. Keepin' it REAL!

  23. What in your opinion, David, makes for a good broadcaster?

    I'm grabbing a beer and some chips for I figure the answer's got to be entertaining.

  24. MIB: In my opinion, it's almost a mystical quality. It is a supreme ease and comfort on camera... something that probably can't be taught.

    Cronkite had it. Dan Rather didn't.

    Johnny Carson had it. Leno doesn't.

    Oprah has it. Phil Donahue didn't. (And I loved Donahue... till I got fed up with his mannerisms and his inability to shut the hell up.)

    Give O'Reilly his due; he's fun to watch.

  25. I really like Countdown, but Keith O's special comments are indeed super-hammy. He makes valid points most of the time, but he over does it.
