Saturday, May 31, 2008

Random wrongness


  1. Ok, well, I guess she told us!


  2. They think we won't turn and vote for McCain.

    Oh no, I think "they" are quite clear on who you're likely to vote for, Mrs. Christian. Quite clear.

    (But really, her son's comment at the end makes the clip.)


  3. 1, 2, 3... all together now...

    O say can you see,
    by the dawn's early light,
    what so proudly we hailed
    at the twilight's last gleaming...

    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

    And so on.

    America the beautiful... or something like that.

  4. Geraldine Ferraro has not aged well, has she?

  5. Geraldine Ferraro has not aged well, has she?


    This lady's a DINO.

    Democrat in name only.

  6. The sweet irony is that the overwhelming majority of the Black electorate couldn't even imagine being this apeshit had the contest gone the other way.

    It's always refreshing to see unadulterated chimpanzee ethology on display.

  7. Early signs of dementia?

  8. Sincere racism IS a mental illness.

    Her case isn't in the early stages, it's full blown.

  9. This woman must be out of her mind. I..ooh, this makes me so mad! Men and women are dying,mothers and fathers grieving and she's bitching about Hillary Clinton.

  10. Some white people stop acting "white" when you take away their white privilege.

    Hillary, Ickes, and their camp followers are acting ghetto to the max. Refusing to honor agreements they've made. Telling grotesque, obvious lies solely in order to further their positions. Repeatedly making illogical, inconsistent arguments.

    Generally refusing to follow the agreed upon rules and procedures. Being rude and obnoxious in public forums. Trying to threaten and intimidate anyone who opposes them.

    Hillary and her crowd are no better than Marion Barry or Sharpe James.

    It's time for the Democrats to take out the trash.

  11. The sweet irony is that the overwhelming majority of the Black electorate couldn't even imagine being this apeshit had the contest gone the other way.

    Indeed, Craig. If Obama loses in November -- hell, if he somehow gets gypped out of it at the convention (Clintons don't die... they multiply) -- I'll dust myself off and move forward.

    I don't sense that black folks feel Obama is entitled to win. He has to earn it, and he must deal with the thrown elbows and blown calls and all other rough facts of life at that level of competition.

    The entitlement is definitely there on the Hillary side.

    Matter fact, for all the chatter about Obama being treated as a "Messiah"... this old lady in the vid clip illustrates how, for some women, President Hillary was supposed to be their salvation.

  12. (But really, her son's comment at the end makes the clip.)

    Took me a while to figure out what's being said there: "My mother gets a little exorcized."

  13. it's only racism if it's anti-black, right? it's time people learn the difference between racism and speaking one's mind and opinion. is obama the nominee because he is black? maybe, because dems are dumb enough to think "this is what America needs" instead of "how can we best advance our issues". will he lose because he is black? no. he will lose because of the issues. if you democrats could only get your act claim to have 50+% of the registered voters, yet can't win a simple national election. has it occured to you that people (in your parlance, red-staters) might vote against Obama because of his policies and not his skin? that is true racism. the belief that others cannot see the issues, when all you talk about is the color of his skin. by the way, he is half white. why not call him a white candidate? instead of a black candidate? it's all so f'ing idiotic. the reason he is going to lose is because he is pro-taxes, pro-big gov't and pro-giving up in iraq. but that won't be the story after. it'll be that "racist middle america" ganged up on poor little Barack...get serious. stop being whiny wooses and get behind your candidate's ISSUES!! IT'S THE ISSUES STUPID!! ugh. i am so pissed off that i stumbled on this blog.
