Thursday, May 22, 2008

Random wrongness


  1. I don't know about that one, brotha. I'm surprised there's still milk being produced. But I guess I'm outta the loop on that.

    Love the new "Random Wrongness" posts though.

  2. I'm surprised there's still milk being produced.

    I'm female, and I don't know how that is still possible. And the kid is 8! Maybe it's chocolate milk?

    Anyway, just ewwww....


  4. :-o

    "Bettah than a mango, it is!" LOL

  5. As a woman, I really don't want to be grossed out by a mother feeding (if there really is milk) her child from her body purely because it is not considered socially acceptable.

    However, it really is incredible to see a kid, old enough and capable of going to the fridge to get her own beverage, hit up mom like she's a water fountain or a bar.

    The AAP states there is no evidence of harm in breastfeeding "into the third year of life or longer," but I'd like to know what happens when your classmates see you enjoying it on TV!

  6. Wait until she gets older...she'll be a regular Little Britain skit.

    Bitty...I want bitty...

  7. I'm not sure how familiar you might be with British comedy but if you've got a sense of humour than I think you'll enjoy this clip from the cult British show Little Britain;

    Does seem a little peculiar breast feeding at that age. Reminded me of the ending to The Grapes of Wrath though... that was pretty emotive too!

  8. Looks like I'm one of the last people to know what "Little Britain" is.

  9. And they will wonder why their middle aged daughters act like irresponsible children 30 years from now.

  10. Unh unh and oh no.

    This is how Milkman, the original fictional "Baby Boy," got turned out. Just like his momma theres some strange "my baby needs me" headtrip going on here if you ask me. I also have the feeling that post-breast milk sag will hit as soon as she stops, though, so maybe shes onto something.

  11. ^ I read "Song of Solomon" back in high school!

  12. better than anything in the world. better than mangos!

    i can't wait until the la leche league unleashes their fury on you UBM! LOL ;)


  13. I like how the cut off point is "when they go to college or get married".

    So the bar's open through high school, or as long as they're living under her roof?


  14. You sure that's not a Monty Python skit?

  15. Looks like I'm one of the last people to know what "Little Britain" is.

    Lucky you! :-)

  16. When I first met my husband I overheard him telling a friend that he wanted his kids breast fed for at least a year so they'd have higher IQs. I walked around for the rest of the evening with my arms crossed over my chest. I knew I liked him, but what a control freak!

    Once we started dating seriously, I told him that - IF we even got to that point - I'd give him three months, MAX, and that he could do the rest. And, until he put a ring on my finger, he could stop making plans for my boobs!

    Breast feeding, for me, was far easier than I'd imagined and I did end up doing it for a year. Our daughter would have been done with it at 11 months, but since we'd made it so far, we were going to do the full year - doggone it! I didn't want those few shaved IQ points to ever be tossed in my face.

    But, breast feeding beyond 18 months - YUCK! At that age kids can lift your shirt and dig in your bra. Who wants that in the supermarket line?

    I wonder how long grandma fed the mom. Is mom trying to make up for what she didn't get? There's cuddling your child to create closeness and then there's craziness.

    That Little Britain bit was LOL funny!

  17. I had a friend whose relative breast fed her son for a long time. Dude was walking and talking (and might have been in daycare too). When he was hungry, he'd say, "Titty mommy, titty!"

    Im not making this shit up, I saw it with my own two eyes.

    Yeah, thatd be about the time hed be cut off!


  18. My ex had a spaced-out friend from high school who breast feed her ... i don't know for sure, he was at 9 years old. She'd feed him anywhere.

    Maybe I'm an old codger, but I was pretty uncomfortable trying to hold a normal conversation with a woman feeding her 9-year-son.

    Of course, she also believe trees are alive and the spirits of native Americans live in them.


    I always heard that as long as they were being used, breasts continue to produce milk.

    (there must be a way to edit comments without deleting and reposting after cleaning up a typo)

  19. Of course, she also believe trees are alive and the spirits of native Americans live in them.

    Ahh... you'll notice the family in the vid does a similar quasi-Wiccan prayer around the supper table.
