Tuesday, May 27, 2008

‘Buket’ saga

A Southern California grafitti vandal known as “Buket” was arrested today by L.A. County sheriffs.

They were determined to catch him because he was showing out on YouTube. The video below shows “Buket” bombing a Hollywood Freeway overpass in broad daylight.

Cops take that shit personal.

According to authorities, “Bucket” is actually Cyrus Yazdani, a 24-year-old college graduate with an art degree and a job in Las Vegas.

You should see how YouTube viewers – who watched his videotaped exploits by the tens of thousands – are reacting to news of Yazdani’s arrest:

“ha! this fucker got sent to prison!!!”

“What a piece of shit. All taggers are punk ass bitches...”

“IDIOT!! What an embarassment to your family you are. Too bad you didnt fall off.”

YouTubers, man. They build you up, they tear you down.


  1. Taggers are nothing more than crybabies. Passive aggressive chickenshits with spray cans. Two faced assholes. Run correct game by day, and destroy their community by night. All for the glory of getting their asses kissed by bong suckers.

  2. "Passive aggressive chickenshits with spray cans."

    Chickenshit? Here's a guy willing to climb on a overpass and shimmy over a busy Los Angeles freeway on a 4" rail just so that you see his name when you drive by. Model citizen, no but definitely not chickenshit.

  3. Yeah, here in DC we had "Cool Disco Dan" whod been tagging since the '80s. Turns out he was a white kid from the suburbs. They finally caught his ass, and hes had to pay heavy fines to the city.

    Theres another "viral tagger" out now...but I forgot what he writes. I should know it by heart, cause the fucker tagged the side of my house! Honestly, Im not mad about it: It was the ugly side of the house, and I do like nice grafiti. He used gold and silver in the design on my house. Took a pic of it too, but seeing as I aint got that kinda capacity, yall will just have to take my word for it.


  4. the fucker tagged the side of my house! Honestly, Im not mad about it: It was the ugly side of the house, and I do like nice grafiti.

    Zoinks! Sorry, but that was funny. And you're not even mad. Cool.

  5. Lola: Cool "Disco" Dan was white?? Damn! They were trying to track him down 15 years ago when I was at the Post, and I never heard he was white.

    I saw a lot of Cool "Disco" Dan's handiwork riding the Red Line.

  6. Well I'm 33 and finalyl am able to see how the dumbness was done. We all wondered... how does that crap get up there, now we know, by pure d idiots. WOW, Good ridden!
