Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Voices from Zimbabwe

Today Al Jazeera English provided the first video I’ve seen about the political violence happening in Zimbabwe. (The Mugabe government still hasn’t released the results of the March 29 presidential election.)

Here is Al Jazeera’s 2½-minute news report:


  1. Was there any information about how these reporters got into the country or if they were welcomed by the government? Traditionally there has been little access granted to journalists in Zimbabwe; Grace Mugabe has quite the reputation for personally overseeing beatings of reporters in police custody...

  2. I think that because Al Jazeera is not the "Western" media, they've been welcomed.

    And this short piece certainly gives a full airing to the Mugabe government "spin" on political violence.

  3. True, there's no denying a certain appreciation for the Zanu-PF in this piece but given the climate in country it still seems risky to allow footage of burned out and beaten farmers leaking out... Regardless of how it was made thanks for sharing the video; you can learn even when fed only lies...
