Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I didn’t know about PostSecret until today. I tip my hat to Shelly (a.k.a. BoringBlackChick), who blogged about the site last week.

Shelly highlighted a sad secret. But I prefer the funny ones.

Here’s the Wikipedia entry delineating the curious history of PostSecret.


  1. oh man, I read PostSecret every week. My friend introduced me to it a couple of years ago.

    I've always thought about sending a secret in, but I'm too chicken.

  2. There's something about bringing a magazine/book into the bathroom that grosses me out. Can't help it.

  3. Check for the one that someone sent in about Darfur that read: I resent the majority of Black America because every Darfur activist I know is white.

    I think Racialicious had it up earlier this year

  4. There's one posted at boringblackchick about a 50 year old woman who has never been kissed. I think she's been married for 28 years too. Her husband didn't even kiss her on her wedding day.

    I wonder how many of these secrets are really true?

  5. ^ Yeah that has been a "controversy" about PostSecret ever since it started. How many of them are real? I doubt many of them are.

  6. Bklyn6, I wondered the same thing. The cookbook-on-the-toilet one must be true. Who'd bother to make that up?

  7. I can't believe you hadn't heard of this sooner. I've been reading that site for a long time.

    I've seen the guy who runs the site on TV. I'm inclined to think he's just some dude who found a great way to sell books with little to no work. He's always saying people are "releasing" their secrets "into the universe" or some crap like that. Or maybe I'm just jaded.

  8. Anyone into Found?

    People send in found stuff like letters, notes, and photos and the site posts them. There's something very anthropological about it.

    I read "Found II" and liked it. I also submitted an item online. Funny/weird thing is there are two very similar items posted on the website! Based on the subject matter, writing style, drawing, and location found, I feel pretty certain that the author's the same person. :-) What seems odd though is that the senders were inspired to submit the items to the magazine. Which makes me a little skeptical/cynical. Maybe the sender(s) is the author?

    btw, I'm not the author.

  9. I can't believe you hadn't heard of this sooner.

    Me neither, Antonio. When I read the wiki, I definitely had that feeling of "Why am I the last one to know about this?"

    Oh well. At least I was onto I Can Has Cheezburger? fairly early.

  10. My favorite Post Secret post to date is "Marrying the wrong person is like getting a bad cellmate."

  11. No, UBM, you're not the last to know about this. This makes me realize how kid-focused my life it. I guess if it isn't on the Disney channel, I haven't heard about it. Oh, I need to get out more!

  12. i've been reading it for awhile. i am amazed at what anonymity will make people confess.
