Monday, April 21, 2008

Hillary vs. Olbermann?

Hillary Clinton is supposed to be on “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” tonight. Like, 25 minutes from now.

Considering how K.O. put Hillary on blast with a “Special Comment” five weeks ago... is it hoping for too much that this meeting will produce some thunder ’n’ lightning?

I’ll post an update after it’s over.

UPDATE (04/21/08): Well, no thunder, no lightning.

Olbermann tried to challenge Sen. Clinton on several elements of her campaign – her meeting with “vast right-wing” conspirator Richard Mellon Scaife, her use of the image of Osama Bin Laden in an anti-Obama ad, her previous extolling of John McCain’s commander-in-chief credentials.

And Hillary dusted the furniture with him.

The woman is good. She is tough, she is smart, and she’s at the top of her game right now.

In a later segment, Olbermann seemed defensive and almost apologetic about his lack of follow-up questions.

Save your breath, Keith. Obviously you’re at your best popping shit behind people’s backs... not to their faces.

You, sir, are a minor leaguer.


  1. **The woman is good. She is tough, she is smart, and she’s at the top of her game right now.**

    Ah do believes you's in love.

    The nomination race has been over for some time now. It isn't so much that Obama's a great candidate - he's good, but he has his limitations.

    It's that Hillary's bad. Bad at evaluating and organizing people. Bad at staying on message and keeping her lies straight. Bad at keeping her hubby in line (Just who the hell is running for president, anyway? Bill? Chelsea?)

    The race was hers to lose, and she lost it. Now it's time for her to bow out gracefully, something she really doesn't know how to do.

  2. It's that Hillary's bad. Bad at evaluating and organizing people. Bad at staying on message and keeping her lies straight.

    And bad enough to win California, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

    What does it say about Obama that he can't pin such a lousy opponent to the mat??

  3. Yeah, but she's the most famous woman in the world, running against a black guy. A black guy who's even farther to the left than she is. She should be way, way ahead.

    Here in Cali, Obama lost Latinos two to one, and Asians three to one. They wouldn't vote for a black candidate if their lives depended on it. Funny, in light of black Democrats' knee jerk support for unlimited immigration.

    Obama may not be able to overcome this in the general. He'll lose some states in the general that would have otherwise gone Democratic. The Dem's best shot would've been a white southerner like Edwards or Jim Webb.

    Hillary's an empty pantsuit.

  4. I think its hilarious that Hillary can play the gender card all day long and talk about glass ceilings when the reality is there is a lot more prejudice to overcome from a black perspective. As pointed out in the previous post, its not just whites but other minority groups who will not support Obama simply because he's black. The fact that gender and race have come up so often during this contest is proof we have a long way to go in this country (and world!)

    As for Hillary's skills... I don't doubt that she's smart, I just don't trust her farther than I can see her. What she is most skillful at is dodging direct questions, double-talking, playing by her own rules and simply being a politician. While that's nice, its not particularly what I'm looking for in this election.

  5. As for Hillary's skills... I don't doubt that she's smart, I just don't trust her farther than I can see her.

    I don't trust her either. But damn, she's got an iron chin. Gotta respect that.

  6. What does it say about Hillary that she is having so much trouble against a younger, "inexperienced", hardly-known (back when he was beginning to run), black guy named Barack Hussein Obama?

  7. Key point from the Bloomberg article link at bottom:

    To win the popular vote, but lose the delegate earn that split decision, " Clinton would need a 25-point victory in Pennsylvania, plus 20-point wins in later contests in West Virginia, Kentucky and Puerto Rico. Even that scenario assumes Clinton, 60, would break even in Indiana, North Carolina, South Dakota, Montana and Oregon -- a prospect that's not at all certain."

  8. What does it say about Hillary that she is having so much trouble against a younger, "inexperienced", hardly-known (back when he was beginning to run), black guy named Barack Hussein Obama?

    A friend of mine was telling me about an article she read that talked about how Hillary was still leading in the polls when the media "anointed" Obama as the presumptive candidate. After the media started drumming it into viewers' heads that Obama was really in the lead, the polls shifted. I'm trying to get her to remember where she read that so I can post the link. If she's recalling it correctly, then it seems that the media truly did help Obama's campaign.

  9. After the media started drumming it into viewers' heads that Obama was really in the lead, the polls shifted.

    But Dez, the media was drumming into people's heads that Hillary was the front-runner throughout 2007. So I don't think the media moves the masses.

    Obama earned his way to lead by running a splendid campaign. No doubt. But it ain't been no blowout... and Hillary's still punching.

    Regardless of annoyance with her (and Bill's) sense of entitlement to the nomination, I simply have to acknowledge her tenacity. I don't know how she's still standing.

  10. ^ I should've written: "I don't know why she won't go down."

    Because that would've set up a most delightful Monica Lewinsky joke.

    But the point remains.

  11. Actually, given Hillary Clinton's exemplary intelligence, I think Keith Olbermann did a very good job.

    Ms. Clinton wouldn't be where she is if she weren't highly intelligent.

  12. There is no denying that Senator Clinton is smart, tough, tenacious, and intractable. As she has reminded us at every turn, she's had 35 years to hone those traits, not to mention learning from her husband, who was arguably one of the most brilliant campaign strategists of all time.

    But---and I'm simply echoing and underscoring the thoughts of other commenters---the fact that Hillary started out as the inevitable, anointed one, with a war chest that made people quake in their boots, and the support of the firmly rooted Democratic Party establishment, and watched "her" nomination slip away as a result of a "less experienced" fairly unknown "upstart" is a pretty phenomenal tale. It was hers to lose. And she's losing.

    Very early on, after Barack announced his nomination, he met with some bigwigs in the economic community--people like former Treasury secretaries and Wall Street types. It has been reported that one of the muckety-mucks asked him why they should support him, given that he had no management experience.

    Barack's response: watch how I run my campaign. And others with far more intelligence than I have noted that his campaign has been superbly managed by every objective measure.

    Finally, with all this talk about Hillary's incredible threshhold of "toughness", I'd submit that it ain't been no cakewalk for Barack. Tough? You want tough? I'll show you tough.

    Barack is what tough looks like. Without being shrill, without playing the victim, with elegance, and humor. He just keeps brushin' the dirt off his shoulder.

  13. It's not just Hillary who's tough; it's her supporters as well. And I don't mean the high-profile talking heads; I mean people like me who refuse to give up our hopes of seeing her become President. Okay, we're either tough, or delusional. Maybe a little of both %^)

    UBM, that Monica Lewinsky stuff is played. I know you can be funnier than that :-)

  14. ^ dez, my dear, some things will always be funny. Like a pie in the face. (Which also reminds me of Monica Lewinsky.)

  15. "Like a pie in the face. (Which also reminds me of Monica Lewinsky.)"


  16. portiapm5, you and everybody else has moved on by now.

    But I would be curious in what your sources are?

  17. ^ dez, my dear, some things will always be funny. Like a pie in the face. (Which also reminds me of Monica Lewinsky.)

    Don't forget to tip your waiters!
