Monday, April 28, 2008

Crab, meet barrel.

With a peacock’s strut, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright basked in the media spotlight in D.C. this morning – just like he did yesterday in Detroit – to avenge his wounded pride.

In the best tradition of crabs-in-a-barrel black bullshit, Rev. Wright did his part to cut the legs out from under Barack Obama.

Among the gift-wrapped sound bites he presented to Fox News, Hillary Clinton and the Republican Party, here’s one about Louis Farrakhan:

“He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st Century, that’s what I think about him. ... When Louis Farrakhan speaks, it’s like E.F. Hutton speaks: All black America listens.”

(Uhhh... no.)

“Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy,” Wright continued. “He did not put me in chains. He didn’t put me in slavery. And he didn’t make me this color.”

(Sean Hannity just nutted in his pants.)

If Sen. Obama is undone by all of this... well, ummm... he did choose this pastor. He chose a church with a racial-nationalist agenda.

And I bet that’s because, as a biracial man raised by whites, Obama felt the need to boost his “black” credentials to make himself more electable.

And that, my friends, is called irony.

UPDATE (04/28/08): David Gergen, a political commentator I respect, said on CNN tonight that Rev. Wright’s shenanigans could cost Sen. Obama the state of Indiana.

The grim tone with which Gergen discussed this put a chill into me. Because it sounds right.

In Gergen’s opinion, Obama has got to speak on this again. He must display the strength to push this story out of his way... or it will reflect poorly on his ability to lead in a national crisis.

“This isn’t a story about Wright,” Gergen said. “This is ultimately a test of Barack Obama, of his inner steel.”

Tonight is probably the worst night of the entire campaign for Obama. Because he probably doesn’t have a clue how to handle this mess.


  1. dayyum dood....,

    Grow a pair at least as big as this woman's!!!

    ...and stop letting barking, yapping "ignorance parasites" define your political sensibilities with the comparative ease with which they've defined the shallow sensibilities of that unreconstructed 10% of the population they can count as their "constituents"...,

  2. UCB said: And I bet that’s because, as a biracial man raised by whites, Obama felt the need to boost his “black” credentials to make himself more electable.

    no no no. maybe it was to make HIM feel more at home, he chose a black church? anyone contemplating a life in the political eye DOES NOT choose to be associated with radicals. he was young when he picked this church...

    couldn't disagree with you more.

  3. I disagree with you as well UBM, respectfully of course. Wright needs to speak out because its the right thing to do. This is character assasination occuring right before our eyes. Should this nonpolitician sit back and watch people destroy his good name based on lies? As cnulan's link highlights, if you took a number of people and reduce them to soundbites they will not come out looking so good. And the unpatriotic fever begs to be confronted. The man served in the military for God's sake.

  4. I can't imagine choosing a church, a place to take your kids for a spiritual foundation, based on boosting your credibility in a community.

    I can imagine going to a church because it was one thing when you started, and you got certain things from the experience, and over time those things change as the church grows, or the minister gains popularity and exposure.

    I went to Agape when it was on Olympic, before Michael Beckwith had the dread locks, when he was still married to his first wife and his mom worked in the bookstore.

    Before Oprah.

    I don't go there anymore because I don't want to wait in line for an hour to get into Sunday service and quite frankly the experience does not meet my needs anymore.

    This doesn't mean that I would disavow Rev. Michael or the church.

    I think this whole mess has exposed Rev. Wright's limitations and his ego is running wild. I don't for one minute think that he speaks for Obama, or his entire congregation, or all black people.

    Maybe i'm just naive, but it seems unfair to hold an individual responsible for the fact that their pastor goes off the rails.

  5. Hi everyone!

    This is my first visit to this blog, I think! I'm not anonymous! (My name is at the bottom of these comments!)

    Hat tip to the blog host, UBM!

    Dr. Wright IS a very prominent figure among black clerics. He is well-respected in his own denomination and also outside of his denomination. I don't think that DEFENDING who he is amounts to being egotistical.

    The (white) media slandered his name, his church and his character. He should take a stand. Was he supposed to run into a corner and cower?

    His comments did not HELP Barack Obama but his job is not to get a church member elected president. That's the job of the American people. He's only one man.

    Barack Obama is a member of the church but he probably has not attended regularly and therefore, he didn't anticipate that there were any inflammatory bullets that the (white) media could aim at his highly-respected pastor. He miscalculated.

    I don't think Dr. Wright is to blame for the (white) media's attempt to use Barack's church as a political ploy to divide the block of Obama's white supporters and really, THAT was the entire motive in creating this fake "scandal".

    Thanks for letting me blow my trumpet! Sorry if I'm a bit winded!

    You know how preachers talk and talk and talk!! (smile)

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  6. I don't know why its hard to accept that Barack Obama chose to attend Trinity because of political reasons. If you saw Rev. Wright's interview with Bill Moyers, he even agrees that he first met Barack because he (the Rev.) had influence in the community.

    Barack Obama was a man, who outside of friends, had no real experience in the black community at all. His mother was a Jewish white woman, his Dad was none existant in his life, he lived in Indonesia and Hawaii and went to all white private schools pretty much from elementary.

    He needed an ally in the black community and Rev. Wright was that person.

  7. David, how do you get these pics that come straight from the events.

  8. I didn't think Rev. Wright did too badly this weekend. HE showed his saner, gentler side on Moyers and his funny side (Soledad O'Brien acted like he was Richard Pryor)at Detroit NAACP. I didn't see his press thingy in DC or whatever. I really don't think he's said anything baaaaad; not like crazy-arse Hagee or nutty Pat Robertson.

  9. David, how do you get these pics that come straight from the events.

    Wanda, I "borrowed" this one from a newspaper website. Did a Google news search and scavenged.

  10. Borrow a little something else playboy.....,

    Now we demand a chance to do things for ourself
    We're tired of beatin' our head against the wall
    And workin' for someone else
    We're people, we're just like the birds and the bees
    We'd rather die on our feet
    Than be livin' on our knees

    Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud

  11. ... stop letting barking, yapping "ignorance parasites" define your political sensibilities...

    Bro-ham, I long ago declared here my opposition to doctrinaire black nationalism and the rhetoric of racialist resentment.

    And today's events show why. While you dap up Rev. Wright for "sticking it to the man," Barack Obama is curled up on the floor, trying to ease the throbbing pain in his testes.

    Did Jeremiah Wright expect "fair play" from these crackers? No? Then why didn't he just shut the hell up and take one for the team??

  12. UBM, hope you don't mind another linkage from LGF.


  13. he is still NOI IMO

    good work, undercover brutha

  14. Little Green Footballs? Oh God no. Everyone over there thinks that I'm a savage who is out to kill everyone in America.

  15. Bro-ham, I long ago declared here my opposition to doctrinaire black nationalism and the rhetoric of racialist resentment.

    did you simultaneously embrace white ethnonationalism? because I still haven't heard where Wright has said anything wrong.

    And today's events show why. While you dap up Rev. Wright for "sticking it to the man," Barack Obama is curled up on the floor, trying to ease the throbbing pain in his testes.

    That's why I prescribed a dose of soul bro. no. one for what ails you and Baraka alike. Stop trying to placate the most knuckledragging elements of white ethnonationalism and get up off the floor.

    We'd rather die on our feet
    Than be livin' on our knees

    I don't want a president who'd rather live on his knees than die on his feet...., and you shouldn't either.

  16. I thought it was a bad idea for the Rev to come out and start talking... it will only hurt Obama's campaign every time they mention this guy. But I watched the speech on CNN and what you did was exactly whant Hannity, O'Reilly and the rest will do: take sound bites and misconstrue their meanings. What about what he said about the Nation of Islam going into prisons and putting black men on the right path? Will we hear that sound bite?

  17. wanda
    obama's white mother is not jewish, if she was obama by jewish religious law would be jewish which would be a total hoot.

    yochanan ben avroham

  18. ... I still haven't heard where Wright has said anything wrong.

    How about during yesterday's speech in Detroit, where Wright basically said black kids have different "learning styles," and that's why they don't measure up academically.

    In other words, it's white people's fault for not teaching them right... it's the U.S. government's fault for not tailoring the public education system to unique black "learning styles."

    As a tutor of black youngsters, Craig, I expect you'll see through this as a ridiculous example of hard-left excuse-making... an acknowledgement that blacks shouldn't be expected to compete toe-to-toe with whites in the same classroom.

    Wright? Or wrong?

  19. Agree with Seth in that you did exactly what the Right Wing media will do. And I agree that we won't here any of the good sound bites that come from Jeremiah Write. But that's exactly why I think he should shut-up. We know it's unfair and we know that he'll only hurt Obama's candidacy. So if we ALL know this, why won't he wait to address these issues until February? Crab in the Barrel indeed.

  20. As a tutor of black youngsters, Craig, I expect you'll see through this as a ridiculous example of hard-left excuse-making... an acknowledgement that blacks shouldn't be expected to compete toe-to-toe with whites in the same classroom.

    As a practical matter David, the academically level playing field you presume to exist in the public school system does not exist for a complex variety of reasons.

    As a matter of historical fact - in many regards, Black academic achievement in pre Brown v. Board segregated public schools was substantially higher than it has become in the urban public schools blighted by the unintended consequences of forced integration - not least of which was white flight and ultimate departure of the Black managerial and professional classes.

    A number of factors contribute to the current malaise. I can enumerate some of these from first hand observation, and in that regard, I'm very much inclined to agree with Rev. Wright. There is a HUGE cultural disconnect between current state Black youth and current state public education delivery.

    In this case, however, I defer to the cumulative wisdom of my elder and better who has detailed a great many of the particulars for the purpose of general edification.

  21. Baba Dixon had some other things to say in line with Rev. Wright's comment.

  22. to anonymous:

    I apologize. I thought she was Jewish. Whether he would be Jewish, I guess is a different argument.

  23. Obama's mama was a reglr ole Anglo Irish Midwestern Protestant. An heir, intellectually and genetically, to the New England Puritan tradition. Puritanically Progressive. Puritanically anti racist.

    As to the Reverend, his recent media romp, with the NAACP offering their center stage, is payback for Obama trying to distance himself from the black political establishment. As corrupt and incompetent as they are, they know Obama can't get along without black support. They've got him by the balls.

    As I've said so often before, politics is sales. Sales is about meeting the need of the customer, not the need of the salesman. The customer does not give a damn about the salesman's special truth.

    Ultimately though, the fault lies with Obama. There are plenty of down home Baptist churches in Chi town that don't get into the politics or joning on white folks. He ne'er shoulda got in bed with that fool in the first place.

  24. While you dap up Rev. Wright for "sticking it to the man," Barack Obama is curled up on the floor, trying to ease the throbbing pain in his testes. –Mills

    If The Perfect Proxy is in pain, it’s self-inflicted. Rev. Wright has been articulating Black Liberation Theology for the entire 20 years Barack Obama has been a member of his church. Which make me wonder how much critical thinking went into Obama’s decision to run for the Presidency of the United States?

    How could a person with the intelligence and skills to market himself as a change-agent not see the potential marketing disaster his membership in Trinity Church posed? How long did he expect to fly with a self-perceived albatross around his neck? Did Obama have low expectations when he entered this race, thus he was utterly unprepared to be on the threshold of the Democratic Party nomination?

    In this situation it is the
    politician who has failed his subject, “politics-101: expediency.” The minister has passed his subject, “conscience” at the top of his class, yet Mr. Mills blames Rev. Wright for Obama’s failure of foresight.

    Rev. Wright is neither a crab trying to pull Obama into the barrel, nor a wildebeest running point for the Obama heard desperately wanting to cross the crocodile-filled Zambezi.

    Barack Obama should read Amilcar Cabral and understand this point: Our experience has shown us that in the general framework of daily struggle, this battle against ourselves, this struggle against our own weaknesses ... is the most difficult of all.

    In this situation Obama was his own worst enemy. He needs to man up and move on with his program.

  25. I'm gonna post this based solely on the clip I just viewed first. Go into the comments later.

    First, I think that your post was an unfair characterization of Rev. Wright's comments. In fact, I noticed that you did the same kind of clipping that everyone else has done. I don't know your motivation, but you definitely continued the hype against Wright.

    I think one of the things that galls people who dislike Wright, or more accurately, what he says publicly, is the audience reaction. It reminds me of how folks continue to fixate on the news clip showing Black students cheering the announcement that Johnnie Cochran won the legal debate against the State of California in their attempt to convict OJ of a double homicide.

    If Obama is undone by what Wright says or thinks, it's because they weren't going to vote for him in the first place. It's because they were uncomfortable casting their vote for him.

    And it's really fucking silly that Obama's held to this double standard. Because at the same time Wright is being given a forum to explain his side of the story, Rev. Hagee, a supporter of McCain, reiterated his position that the Black people suffered in Hurricane Katrina because New Orleans was going to host a gay parade. Is McCain being called to renounce that speech? Has he even renounced the speech at all?

    Cut to Hillary and the continued inane comments Bill Clinton makes. Is she being skewered because of that bullshit?

    Yet, Rev. Wright is being characterized, by you, as a crab-in-the-barrel. He's standing up for himself because Obama can't without people getting distracted. He's standing up for himself because the public is making him out to be something he's not.

    He shouldn't apologize for anything I heard in this clip because he hasn't said anything that's "divisive."

    Keep It Honest in '08.


  26. People who attend church seem to get it, but don't have high expectations of others. Father Flaeger from Chicago has thrown his support and 2 cents into the ring seeing nothing wrong with the man defending himself.
    Father Flaeger on Fox

    And all reports neglect to mention that Rev. Wright, Rev. Moss, his church have received death and bomb threats since this "controversy." Dare I say, Four Little Girls [the Chicago version] - I hope not.

    The NAACP speech in Detroit was scheduled a year ago (not part of the pop-up tour) so it wasn't a chance opportunity.

    Oh, UBM he did site the Tuskegee experiement just the way you put it in an earlier post in response to a question during his Press Club appearance re AIDS and the US government.

    Some people may not like the preacher's style or rhetoric, but I've seen the people who attend churches like Trinity, I've met Trinity members, and they walk straight lines to work, to their kids, to their communities, and put a hand out to their fellow human beings.

    I think I may have posted this before - people go to churches for all sorts of reasons including the minister and his/her work. The top reason is what someone wrote earlier - to meet their needs. Some folks go just to sing in the best choir; to hear the choir; some join because they came to the church through a social justice program (on the receiving or giving side) like feeding the hungry; some because their spouse insisted that a family needs a church; or because the church was within walking distance. I have a relative who stayed in a church even though they hated the minister (Update: The minister was replaced last month). Bottom line, these may not be your needs, mine, or anyone on this thread, but they may be somebody's.

    UBM, I think you may need to do a little more research above ground. Hopefully you haven't been burned by an encounter or experience that all persons and situations that resemble that experience push certain buttons.
    Shit is complicated, man! But I'm going to throw you a Washingotn Post op-ed by Jonetta Rose Barras (published March 23)-- it might be what you're reaching for.

    He's Preaching to a Choir I Left

  27. Makheru, thanks for commenting.

    You wrote: "The minister has passed his subject, 'conscience' at the top of his class, yet Mr. Mills blames Rev. Wright for Obama's failure of foresight."

    How would Rev. Wright have suffered by holding his tongue for seven months?

    I blame Rev. Wright for willfully doing damage Obama... to what end? He has retired from the pulpit. He's got his big new house in a gated community.

    The pastor's own pride seems to be the only motivator here. And Rev. Wright should know better than the average bear that pride is a sin.

  28. Yowza!
    My Jonnetta Rose Barras link didn't work:

    Try this:

  29. DeAngelo says Rev. Wright "shouldn't apologize for anything I heard in this clip because he hasn't said anything that's 'divisive.' "

    Rev. Wright in that clip calls Louis Farrakhan "one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st Century."

    Louis Farrakhan teaches that the white man is a "grafted devil" created by the mad scientist Yakub.

    Which is not only "divisive" but ludicrous.

    The degree to which educated black folks keep their wagons hitched to Minister Farrakhan is the degree to which they'll remain politically and intellectually marginal in the United States.

  30. Some motha fockas are tripping up in here! Any brother/sister that had to half-ass struggle living in this bitch knows, without a doubt, that 99.999% of what Rev. Wright has said is total truth. And if ya'll still can't get to that, then loan me a couple grand cause I know you can damn sure probably afford to give it.

    Obama knows what the truth is (cause Wright taught him) and he ain't worried about Wright or anything else. If it's meant to be that he's elected president, there ain't a talking head or a stuck-up ass negro that'll change that!

  31. Louis Farrakhan teaches that the white man is a "grafted devil" created by the mad scientist Yakub.—Mills

    Mr. Mills, I’m just wondering have you seen this video of Hillary Clinton supporter, and “grafted devil” Ed Rendell praising Min. Farrakhan.

    Do you think Sen. Clinton should be forced to denounce Gov. Rendell?

    How would Rev. Wright have suffered by holding his tongue for seven months?—Mills

    In the Immediate aftermath of the decontextualized videos and Barack Obama’s denouncement, Rev. Wright cancelled numerous speaking engagements due to death threats and for other reasons. He obviously needed some time to balance himself in the whirlwinds, and to take stock of his enemies.

    Lies have been told; the Black Church has been attacked and Rev. Wright’s character has been assassinated. How is it, that the victims of injustice and untruths are always expected to remain silent. A person of conscience is obligated to speak the truth regardless of the consequences. “There comes a time when silence is betrayal” to the truth. The man is an ex-marine, not a punk. Of course he was going to fight back with his own special truth.

    Besides, there is no guarantee that Rev. Wright will be here in seven months. We know the history of what has happened to bold Black men such as Jeremiah Wright.

    I blame Rev. Wright for willfully doing damage Obama... to what end?—Mills

    Well, I blame Obama for doing damage to himself. As Martin King said: “Rationalizations and the incessant search for scapegoats are the psychological cataracts that blind us to our sins.” Mr. Mills, you and others who are supporting Obama should remove those cataracts and stop trying to make Rev. Wright the scapegoat for Barack Obama’s lack of foresight. He has allowed himself to be manipulated by his enemies because he did not act decisively when he had the opportunity to rather quietly remove himself from Trinity Church.

    I’m telling you, Brother Obama is suffering the consequences of his own initial low expectations. He can’t blame anyone but himself.

  32. I guess E Franklin Frazier put it best:

    Negroes and the World of Make Believe.

  33. How is “God damn America” not divisive?


  34. Well, what can I say? I agree with Makheru and Deangelo.

    The truth is more precious than the Presidency, David. rev. Wright hasn't said anything that was not factual.

    Besides, I was told this was coming. By a friend of mine who is a fervent Hillary Clinton Superdelegate. However, that friend is a black minister first and foremost. My friend saw the attack on Rev. Wright as an attack on the Black Church. The person told me that it will be guaranteed that all hell will break lose if they attack the black church and my friend will be right in there with them fighting back.

    If Clinton keeps attacking Obama over Wright, the rest of her black super delegates will slip away. Mark my word. That's because the pressure from the black church upon these black Clinton super delegates will be unbearable.

  35. May not matter. New polls show Clinton beating McCain by 9 pts., and Obama losing to McCain. That's all she needs to run with now (and she *should* steer clear of the Rev. Wright mess).

  36. UBM:

    "The pastor's own pride seems to be the only motivator here."

    I got two words for ya.


  37. The fact that we're debating how a single person's years-old sermons can derail and undermine a Black presidential candidacy says more about those who expect that derailment than the distraction itself.

    And now, Dave, you want to attach Farrakhan's "white man is the devil" to Barack because Barack's pastor says he repects Min. Farrakhan.

    That's some six degrees of separation guilt by association shit.

    And fuck Gergen! He's a Republican. What do you expect him to say?

    This is the silliest shit I've seen in presidential politics since the attacks on Jesse through Farrakhan in the 80s.

    And it's simple. It's racial and it's racist. And the media keeps hypnotizing the public by claiming Wright is the bigot. That's where the divisiveness comes in. It ain't Rev. Wright; it's the people who spin that shit as a projection of their reaction to his comments. Because if everyone is entitled to an opinion, then why can't Wright have one without somebody labelling it bigotry?

    This is a racist attack on Obama. And if people can't see that, then they are willingly blinding themselves because the truth can hurt sometimes. Because Obama is not a bigot nor an elitist.

    But people keep going for the distraction. Even going so far as to intellectualize that "the Rev. Wright issue will not go away and will make him unelectable." When that's not true.

    But it is true when you can manipulate stupid-ass electorate.

    An electorate that allows itself to be more concerned about Rev. Wright - who won't be in the White House if Obama is elected - than the environment, gas prices, food prices, housing crisis, credit crunch, job loss, outsourcing, and the fucking war that's sucking billions out of the budget that could go to solving all of the above plus some decent roads, schools, grants to go college, job training, parks, etc.

    Folks should be ashamed of allowing themselves to be manipulated so easily.

    And thanks for the clip of the white Catholic priest who spoke on behalf of both Wright and Farrakhan. Wish we had more broad-minded people in this nation.

  38. A man stood up and said stuff that makes some white folks uncomfortable. And Barack Obama might have been there to hear it!! Oh. My. Ghod!!

    Coverage of Presidential campaigns just keeps getting stupider and the political sensibilities of negroes who feel compelled to contort their humanity in order to go along to get along becomes more apparent...,

  39. "Sean Hannity is nutting in hist pants." Priceless! I didn't even think anyone besides me used the word "nut" as a verb, anymore.

    Crab, meet barrel indeed.

    I wonder how all these people defending Wright will feel if he helps pull down the candidacy of the first black man who actually might be president.

  40. I wonder how all these people defending Wright will feel if he helps pull down the candidacy of the first black man who actually might be president.

    Just fine thank you. If the colonial sensibilities of Sean Hannity's constitutents are offended by the truth, and if racist propagandist hacks like Hannity et al suffice to nullify Baraka's candidacy, then it wasn't meant to be.

    America will get the political leadership that it deserves. Baraka's primary utility, (perhaps exclusive utility) as a rorschach test of the collective American psyche will have run its course, and America will have failed.

  41. ^Eric Deggans.

    I know that name. Aren't you the guy who measures his self-worth by how often O'Reilly attacks him?

    crab/barrel indeed.

  42. UBM - this just in.
    First, thanks for this forum because even though this is a roller coaster thread, it's very important.

    UBM - Your last update is on the money. Rev. Wright's appearances are hurting candidate Barack Obama (and himself), and it's serious. I'm getting this report from the religious professional community (and this includes Black). This controversy has apparently shaken Rev. Wright to the core and to a point that he's on the defensive, not using his wisdom, being politically reckless and media silly. I can understand his feelings, but I would've hired a media advisor and called a prayer circle in before I opened my mouth. Let's face it. We know the world we live in. A little Zen wouldn't hurt either. Silent meditation.

    Barack's got to make the case for being strong and a fighter. From my update I got the word that a break of sorts may have to happen but in a way that does not separate him from his faith community. Unfortunately, he has been put in that position which can rattle the soul.

    But there are some lessons the Black Church can take from this which is why I posted Jonetta Rose Barras' op-ed. The Black Church is not monolithic either and this may be the time to expose that fact as well.

    I would hate for a brothah to be taken down over an association. Say his policies suck. Say he doesn't have a plan. But good grief - he doesn't have sheep brains. No one I know follows their ministers. If Rev. Wright is the only thing they can spint to take Obama out- that's a sad statement for the country but says the candidate has something to his credit.

    A sad day :(

  43. Mills...

    "He chose a church with a racial-nationalist agenda."

    The only folks with a "racial" agenda are racists, that is people who advocate the fairy tale that there is some biological human "sub-group" called a "race". And that fiction is a creation by "white" racists, who, in the instant of creating their "white" sub-uebergroup forced the concept of "race" upon everyone else.

    Me thinks, David that the
    "racial radical" of note here is David Mills. For, the advocacy of a non-existent biological paradigm as a basis for questioning the very innate ability of an artificially determined group of humans to function as exactly that, namely as homo sapiens sapiens, is quite radical and, let's be real, racist in my opinion.

    In short as racial agenda of the worst sort.

    It is a sad thing, because I genuinely like you and think that you try to be, after all, a decent human being.

    I asked you a while ago whether you are de facto and effectively functioning as a white man. You know, the socio-political kind.

    Now you know why.

    Get out of that racist hole, David.

  44. Why should Rev. W do Barack any favours? If Barack is going to be President, he's gonna have to take a whole lot more than this little ole thing and be able handle it.

    If you think he has ball pain now, wait until he gets into the OVAL office (presuming he does). He's going to wish he was made a eunuch at birth. LOL!!!

    Brown Girl in the Ring

  45. Hey everyone, I just wrote a really interesting piece about how Black people play the Black Card in social situations. I hope you all can check it out:

  46. Hello UBM,

    It's my first time here, and I will be back.

    I am in agreement with you Makheru:
    What Barak failed to do was remember history. He believed the hype, that he was the new “Golden Boy”. And he was, until it became apparently plausible that this N***o could very well become the next president of these United States. That is when the kid gloves came off, and the media let Barak and every other person of color know in no uncertain terms that “it ain’t gonna happen”, on American media’s watch.

    In terms of theology I am in disagreement with Pastor Wright, in terms of his message, which is a social message, I along with millions of my brothers and sisters, know that he was not lying. You saw the reaction of the congregation they believe and agree with “the words that were coming out of his mouth”. Pastor Pfleger, a white man, acknowledges the sentiments of Pastor JAW’s are valid.

    ………He has allowed himself to be manipulated by his enemies because he did not act decisively when he had the opportunity to rather quietly remove himself from Trinity Church.

    I agree with you here also. I went to Trinity for more than ten years and you are absolutely correct. Pastor Wright preaches a “social message”.

    I’m telling you, Brother Obama is suffering the consequences of his own initial low expectations. He can’t blame anyone but himself……

    Correct again. He can’t blame anyone but himself……for thinking that this “lily-white”, confederate flag waving country was going to be able to look past “the color of his skin and see the content of his character”.

    It has not been that long ago that Katrina hit New Orleans and Kanye reminded America of the TRUTH.


  47. ^ King's Kid, welcome. Thanks for commenting.

  48. America will get the political leadership that it deserves. Baraka's primary utility, (perhaps exclusive utility) as a rorschach test of the collective American psyche will have run its course, and America will have failed.

    Oh, please. If America elects Hillary as president, it will have passed the other test, you know, the one everyone keeps forgetting about because WOOHOO! A BLACK MAN IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!

    Sorry, but I am so effin' tired of race as the be-all end-all of everything America. There's a lot more to this country than black and white, cabrones :-P

  49. Oh, please. If America elects Hillary as president, it will have passed the other test, you know, the one everyone keeps forgetting about because WOOHOO! A BLACK MAN IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!


    when has the white house lacked for female occupancy?

  50. Craig: Obama running for president was a test of America? I thought it was a test of Obama.

  51. Whether Mr. Wright spoke the truth or not he has clearing undermined Obama's campaign. Personally, I thought his speech with the press in DC was brave, entertaining and amusing. However, his speech in Detroit with the NAACP was apalling. Black kids and white kids learn differently? I'm black and when I go to most places I'm usually the smartest person in the room. All the blacks I know who heard the NAACP speech feel the same way. I'm sure the dumb ass underachievers were happy to hear Mr. Wright's excuses for unachieving youth. Also, anyone who thinks that Mr. Wright's timing was good is a fool or a Hilary supporter. If Obama loses Indiana and only wins N. Carolina by a small margin it's over for him! And Mr. Wright will go down in history as the person (black person that is) who ruined Obama's campaign. Classic crab in the barrel.

  52. ^Mr. Wright will go down in history as the person (black person that is) who ruined Obama's campaign.

    ...Mr. Wright didn't ruin anything, it's the racist element in this country using diversions and other excuses to act out what is really in their hearts - or lack thereof, if you know what I mean.

  53. Joel, thanks for commenting. Until he got into the "black learning styles" bullshit, I actually thought Rev. Wright's NAACP speech on Sunday was cool...

    Especially because Fox News was carrying it live and complete. I thought: "After drumbeating a few soundbites to death, Fox News has put itself in a position of giving Wright a full platform... and exposing Fox viewers to some new ideas."

    If only Wright had stopped there. It's the way he showed his ass on Monday that forced Obama to unload on him today.

  54. when has the white house lacked for female occupancy?

    Don't be obtuse.

  55. What Rev. Wright did on Monday was gratuitous and unnecessary. And I'm already hearing rumblings about potential clandestine machinations by HRC supporters. With her current silence on the Wright affair and Barack in such a vulnerable posture I'm inclined to believe that Clinton's fingerprints remain to be uncovered.

  56. UBM, i've been a huge fan of yours since your wapo days.
    thank you for providing a forum in which a wider and more serious discussion of this all can take place.
    can you address to what extent wright is speaking black christian codes for what many progressives see as serious anti-semitism (farrakhan and the 9/11 conspiracy theories, which are regnant in the arab world), homophobia ("sodomites"), and stokely-style sexism (the only position for a woman in sncc is prone). is he? are these party lines for the jackson/sharpton/naacp black establishment? what do you think of jonetta rose barras' interestingly modulated take on all of this?
    with affection and best regards.

  57. excuse me, the rev. wright reaches out to gay people. my apologies.
