Sunday, April 6, 2008

It’s baseball season!

And what better way to usher in spring than with a ree-diculously over-the-top rendition of our National Anthem? Here’s one to make Bleeding Gums Murphy roll over in his grave:


  1. as butchered by one of most unfavorite, and grossly overrated, vocalists.

  2. Patti freaking rocks! I especially love the way she can drag out Over the Rainbow!

  3. Sing Miss Patti! If she had turned a backflip, it wouldn't have been too much, lol.

  4. Hey, don't be talkin' smack about Patti. She tore it up. Was that an echo or a backup singer or a recording of Patti in case she forgot the words or something?

  5. ^ Yeah... she tore it up, dropped the pieces on the ground, and stomped them into the dirt.

    It ain't supposed to be about her... the song is a gesture of respect to one's nation.

    Patti might as well have been vocalizing nonsense syllables, for all the meaning she imparted to the lyrics.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wasn't like it was a REAL baseball game. I liked how she left banner at two syllables and Yet and one....but then piled in 14 of them bad boys into "wa a a a a a a a a vvvvv eee"

    Remember...No Patti...No American Idol.

  8. ^ Ohhh! You cracked me up with that, Des...
