Monday, November 26, 2007

Cat fight! #2

There’s a different sort of scratchin’ and clawin’ going on at The Assault on Black Folk’s Sanity, a rambunctious “Black partisan” blog that I’ve mentioned here before.

Two highly educated African Americans – Michael Fisher (Yale) and Craig Nulan (MIT) – have had a falling out.

After posting some interesting information at the Assault concerning the history of the eugenics movement, Craig Nulan suddenly disappeared those posts, and now he says he wants nothing more to do with Michael Fisher. For reasons unclear. (Some arcane ideological dispute, most likely.)

Yep. Instead of focusing on what they share in common – a seething contempt for the United States of America, and a belief that black people’s problems are white people’s fault – Nulan and Fisher are going the crabs-in-a-barrel route.

Couldn’t happen to two nicer guys. Read the comments they left here several weeks ago if you want to size up these charmers.

Fisher welcomed me into the comments section at the Assault last month with these words:

“David Mills? Your treacherous ass is giving us the honor of a visit? You low life, we ain’t never gonna forget what you did. Ever.

“Go back to your mentor Sun Myung Moon and keep on writing some more black-on-black violence-inducing scripts and go get your pat on the head from your boy Simon.

“I detest traitorous hypocrites like you. You’re about the wost kind of Negro I can think off.”

(And that, my dear friends, is why I try never to antagonize a Yalie.)

Nulan seconded Fisher’s emotion in a comment thread at, calling me a “sell-out” for exposing the Jew-hatred of Professor Griff 18 years ago.

So come on, Mr. Nulan and Mr. Fisher. Squash your interpersonal beefs and re-focus on the real enemy: the Global System of White Supremacy and its sell-out Negro conservative lapdogs.

Stakes is high.


  1. "Stakes is high."

    No, Dave, you meant "Stakes be high."

  2. I mean, really. Their comments are coonin' dressed up in Black Nationalism. Or should I say Blackface Nationalism. I can't stand personal attacks. Now, we can all get down when the need arises. Just let the invectives fly from the recesses of our minds. But if you're gonna sell a message about something serious, which I happen to think the subject of Global White Supremacy is, you have to come correct. These guys don't have it.

    I'm gonna send you an excerpt from my book, which satirizes these kinds of guys. Look out for it.

  3. No he meant "Stakes is High."

    It's the name of a De La Soul album, one of the best Hip-hop records ever.

    "You try keepin it real/but you should try keepin it right"


  4. Yo dna, I was putting my own spin on the line. It didn't matter the source.

  5. I've been telling people for years that The Corner is one of television's greatest achievements. Now I find out that it induces black-on-black violence. How could I have been so misguided?

  6. ^ But I'll grant Fisher this, Steven: I do like it when a Jew pats me on the head and tells me I've done well.

    Does that make me a bad person?

  7. I'm gonna send you an excerpt from my book, which satirizes these kinds of guys. Look out for it.

    Send it on, DeAngelo.

  8. What is it with Yalies? They seem highly confrontational, never give a straight answer, and never try to consider the other person's position.

  9. Yep. Instead of focusing on what they share in common – a seething contempt for the United States of America, and a belief that black people’s problems are white people’s fault – Nulan and Fisher are going the crabs-in-a-barrel route.

    The invitation still stands David. Anytime you're ready to stop sniping from cover like the plump, estrogen saturated little poodle you are - we can debate the topic of your choice in a neutral forum.

    I'm quite sure E.C. Hopkins would be willing to host the exchange, unless of course you're still as scared as you were when challenged to throw down a month or so ago...,

  10. As for the posts on eugenics, as if you were genuinely interested in something other than soothing your inflamed ego, they're all available beginning right here where I usually hold forth on what interests me.

  11. ... like the plump, estrogen saturated little poodle you are...

    Masculinity issues much?

    I've been meaning to ask about that, Craig. What is up with that? You've got a wife and kid, right? Your manhood status is not in question. Why do you keep reacting as if it were?

    Maybe it goes back to childhood?

    Anyways, you answer your own riddle as to why I won't "debate" you. You (avowedly) don't feel bound by the rules of civil discourse. Who'd want to "debate" such an unpleasant person?

    Plus you don't argue competently.

    And so, for as long as you choose to cast your political ideas into the public sphere, I will freely comment upon them... as dictated by my mood, my amount of free time, and my thirst for cheap entertainment.

  12. @cnulan and @mills.

    I think such a debate should be held. And I could be wrong, but I think the debate would reveal that you guys are actually on the same side.

  13. So many people (of all "colors") "break up" into smaller pieces every day that are not enough whole people to observe the fractured people.

  14. Anyways, you answer your own riddle as to why I won't "debate" you. You (avowedly) don't feel bound by the rules of civil discourse. Who'd want to "debate" such an unpleasant person?

    In a moderated debate, you needn't concern yourself with my admitted scorn and cruel irony, oh ankle-biting one. But if you've managed to rationalize your cowardice thus, so be it.

    Plus you don't argue competently.

    Having never argued with me, how could you possibly know?

    And so, for as long as you choose to cast your political ideas into the public sphere, I will freely comment upon them... as dictated by my mood, my amount of free time, and my thirst for cheap entertainment.

    corpulent poodle, yapping furiously from behind the imagined safety of her master's fenced in yard....,

  15. What's with the "poodle" insults? I've always seen you more as a lovable chocolate Lab.

  16. ^ Golden on the outside, but chocolate on the inside. ;^)

  17. Yo, let's stop talkin' 'bout a debate. Let's get it on! I volunteer to referee/moderate it. I pose the question. Y'all debate it. No others chime in with perspectives on the question. Just perspectives about the answers. Five question round. No winners. No losers. Just intellectual discourse. And no ad hominem attacks. Just straight empirical credible facts shaded by opinion. Like I said earlier in this thread, insults are too easy. We're all very smart people. We can come up with very vicious shit. This ain't MTV's Yo Mama.

    You fellas down? If so, Dave let me know when to pose the first question. And trust me, it's gonna be fucked up for both of y'all. So dig deep.

    Dave, story's on its way.

  18. One more thing, if we do this, the title will be "Stakes Be High, Parts 1 - 5" Buckle up. I love it.

  19. "Yep. Instead of focusing on what they share in common – a seething contempt for the United States of America"

    You go throughout the Assault and find any statement that is anywhere near what you allege.

    I've got a seething contempt for the injustices committed by racist criminals in the name of the United States of America. That's quite a bit different from what you are claiming.

  20. [sniffle]Can't we all just get along?[/sniffle]

  21. No thanks, DeAngelo.

    You're not familiar with this guy Nulan. His personal insults and childish taunts reflect his character.

    All over the Net, he indulges in name-calling and ad hominem argumentation.

    When he's not doing that, he plays rhetorical games rather than engage ideas on their merits.

    And when he finally gets to talking about ideas, it's left-field obscurantism like Gurdjieff's system of human development.

    I don't have any ego caught up in this bullshit. I blog as a celebration of black culture, American culture and human cognition.

    And I would rather do battle with white racialists.

  22. ^ But if you've got some questions cocked and loaded, I'd be glad to debate you.

  23. ^ Aw shit. I got questions. So let's let it fly.

    BTW, rules apply. Comments only on the responses - not your response on the question.

    First question in an area we both know and love - entertainment.

    Understanding the need to write a show carrying universal themes, why haven't there been any hour-long dramas with Black characters? In other words, most television shows that carry a majority Black cast, are sitcoms. Is it because the studios don't take our way of life seriously? Or don't think a show with Black characters can carry out universal themes of, as you have been quoted, "the human condition?"

  24. ^ I'm gonna break this off into another post, DeAngelo. How about I call it "Stakes Be High, Pt. 1"?

    I'll do a separate post for each of your other questions.

    Are the questions interrelated, by the way? Do they build to a thematic crescendo?

  25. Oops, almost forgot...

    I had written that Michael Fisher has "a seething contempt for the United States of America..."

    Fisher, for some reason, objected to this, commenting above: You go throughout the Assault and find any statement that is anywhere near what you allege.

    Well let me clear my throat...

    On Thanksgiving Day, one of Michael Fisher's co-bloggers at the Assault, name of Makheru Bradley, wrote this:

    "Always remember, America is not the land of the Pilgrim’s Pride. America is the land of the Pilgrim’s Genocide.

    "Always remember how the scum of Europe slaughtered those who even the demonic Columbus described as the kindest, gentlest people he had ever seen. Snaking, and sneaking into their villages at night, killing women and children.

    "Always remember that the so-called Founding Fathers of America where the greatest, and most psychopathic criminals in human history. They stole an entire Continent, and made people believe that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave in the process.

    "Always remember, The United States of America is constructed on a foundation of Theft and Murder!"

    Now... who wouldn't characterize that as "seething contempt for the United States of America"??

  26. You're not familiar with this guy Nulan.

    You aren't either poodle-icious.., but what little you DO know has you scared shitless.

    All over the Net, he indulges in name-calling and ad hominem argumentation.

    No incognegro. But I did slap you like a bitch at Blackprof and at the Assault - and you haven't stopped running away yet.

    And I would rather do battle with white racialists.

    You'd do well to make a point of staying in the shallow end of the IQ/Gene pool, aight?

    Don't start none, won't be none.

  27. ^ See what I mean, y'all? See? He's proud to behave this way.

    Suriously, Craig, what is it with your manhood issues? Were you ass-raped by bigger kids in the sixth grade? Something has fucked your head up.

    Is there a psych major in the house?

  28. ^ Yes, but I'm still trying to figure out the whole poodle thing.

  29. Black Nationalism...sigh...
    Yalies...double time ask a Harvard Grad's opinion ;)

    How is the strike treating you Dave?

  30. ^ Thanks for asking, Thembi. I haven't been walking the line like I should be. And I got a case of the guilties.

    But I'll get it together soon. This is an important fight.

  31. "Were you ass-raped by bigger kids" lol hilarious!

  32. Yes, but I'm still trying to figure out the whole poodle thing.

    I'm guessing it's his fetish object.

  33. Mills...

    "Oops, almost forgot...

    I had written that Michael Fisher has 'a seething contempt for the United States of America...'..."

    David, you ascribed this statement to me. Bro. Makheru speaks for Br. Makheru. And Bro. Makheru would certainly insist that I do not speak for him.

    As you well know, everyone on the Assault has different opinions and perspectives. Often these are diametrically opposed. That's the way the blog is structured.

    On purpose.

  34. ^ I see. One more thing, Michael... Can you tell me what you disagree with (if anything) in Makheru's post?
