Friday, November 2, 2007

Al-Qaeda’s message to black America

One of Osama Bin Laden’s top guys, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has a 4½-minute propaganda video up on YouTube called “To black Americans.”

Zawahiri says that jihadists are fighting the same oppressor (or “racist Crusader regime”) fought by Malcolm X. Zawahiri refers to Colin Powell and Condi Rice as “house slaves.”

Then there’s an extended clip of Malcolm X’s famous “house negro/field negro” lecture.

As a piece of persuasion, this video isn’t very impressive. For one thing, the English subtitles are hard to read. For another thing, no booty dancers.

So obviously Al-Qaeda’s “To black Americans” hasn’t attracted much of an audience. It has been online for four months... and only logged 3,400 views.

By contrast, Tay Zonday’s latest music vid has gotten 45,000 views in four days. (My boy ain’t played out yet. Go on, Tay!)

Anyways... heeeeere’s Zawi:


  1. I'm surprised there haven't been more views too. (Wonder what the comments look like, though.)

    But yeah, "booty dancers" and a bumpin' track in the background would probably do the trick!

  2. ^ It ain't hard to get our attention! ;^D

  3. They need to get Kanye West and Dr. Dre to put a track behind it, with a special appearence by Jay Z then thousands of Black folks would be joining Al Qaida by the minute!!

  4. DJ Black Adam, welcome! Thanks for commenting.

  5. "As a piece of persuasion, this video isn’t very impressive. For one thing, the English subtitles are hard to read. For another thing, no booty dancers."
    This is best made point I've heard about Al-Qaeda or black people in a while.
    How bad with things have to get before we joined up with them? Seriously, can you imagine?

  6. One of the reasons there have not been many hits is b/c very few of us knew of that tape.

    But I will say that even on my blog, I get a ton of responses when I'll posting gossip such as Juanita Bynum/Thomas Weeks and their fight. Or when I'm talking about a black rap star such as T.I. being arrested.

    I get far fewer hits or responses when I discuss the more intense topics such as this one. It's very unfortunate.

    I'm not one to allow the media to brainwash me. I take what they say with a grain of salt.

    Just yesterday (or the day before) the Washington Post did a write up about Rumsfeld and how he would send out propaganda memos trying to convince his staff to leak to the press that America is in troble---that so that they could continue their hate agenda on the middle east.

  7. Lynn, I only heard of Juanita Bynum when I started checking out your blog. And that mess is intriguing.

    But yeah... easy to get sucked up into the celebrosphere or the gossip game. But I've seen more sophisticated political discussion in the black blogosphere than I've ever seen in the corporate black media.

  8. UCBM said, Lynn, I only heard of Juanita Bynum when I started checking out your blog. And that mess is intriguing

    Her following is about 99% female so there are many men who were not familiar with her. My husband had never heard of her either. So I'm not surprised you were not familiar. But she kept the blogosphere active for two months straight.


  9. Her following is about 99% female so there are many men who were not familiar with her.

    I'm a female and I only heard about Juanita Bynum a couple of weeks ago. And, I still don't know what the drama is all about.
