Friday, October 5, 2007

Take a bite out of... oh, never mind.

Remember that game we played one time... Guess the Criminal’s Race? Well, I saw a Drudge Report headline this morning, and my mind decided to play.

The headline: “Dramatic Dashcam: Screaming 15-Year-Old Girl Pepper Sprayed After Biting Officer; Violated City’s Curfew Law...”

My mind said: Gots to be a white chick.

I don’t know why. Guess I just figured a black girl, even at age 15, would have more sense than to bite a cop.

I was wrong. (Hat-tip:


  1. With my understanding that this is your blog and all, I am curious what is your point for showing this video?

    Any ideas on why this video was publicized in the first place?

  2. Hmmm...the cop did all of that in full view of dashcam. How did I miss her biting him?

    Just when I was thinking, homegirl better hope she don't get tazed, the cop maces her.

  3. damn, why put up all that struggle for a curfew violation. Go to the precinct, get your ticket and go home with your mama. Sheesh.

    The officer used force, but definately not as much as he could've, especially after that bite.

  4. hey ubm, have you read the comments on the site you linked? Talk about an angry group of people.

  5. nice blog, reminds me of about 16 year old Pleajhai Mervin. chk me out some times

  6. And her only crime was being outside. Seriously - it amazes me that curfew laws are allowed on the books. Basically, it makes it illegal to be a teenager. She wasn't even driving while black - she was driving while 15.

  7. Marcus wrote: "... I am curious what is your point for showing this video?"


  8. Show the video. Let it be an example to others of what not to do.

    I hope the young lady takes responsibility for her actions and grows from the experience.

  9. Yeah the comedic value of this video is clearly evident.

  10. That was...disturbing.

  11. Wanda: was that a comment thread or a Klan rally? I'm not sure.

  12. dan: same i thought when i read it. since i started reading blogs, i become amazed at reading peoples "true" feelings.

  13. I'm with Dez - I physically moved away from the computer when he hit her with the pepper spray.

    The whole thing is disturbing and I can't help but wonder what the full story is on this incident. I looked and I can't find it anywhere, only commentary on what's on this clip.

    Why did a curfew violation escalate into what we see? They have curfew over that The Bridge center and they've got all these Nazi like private police walking around - it freaks me out.

  14. OMG! Watching that scared the hell out of me! That and her eery plaintive wailings.

    All for a freaking curfew violation!

  15. Dang... am I the only one who thought it was comical when she said "I've got asthma!" (And obviously she doesn't. Youngster was saying everything except "Yes, officer.")

    Wow, maybe I am a self-hating Negro...

  16. I just watched the video again.

    "Put your hands behind your back."


    Excuse me... no?

    Also take note of the white plastic bag she's holding throughout the scene.

    After she gets pepper-sprayed, and the cop is leading her away, she's all, "I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I need my clothes and stuff. I can't breathe!”

  17. As a 15 year old I was that out of control - my mother will testify -and in that situation I might have done the same thing...

    ...if I was really drunk.

    That's what I want to know. Was she drunk? Does she have emotional problems? She didn't seem like she was street wise at all. She reminded me of a kid from the suburbs who isn't used to being treated like that and completely freaked out.

  18. I don't know but do police normally try to handcup people with bags in their hands?

    The cop intentionally tormented this child and made sure it was recorded so that he can seem "justified".

    And 15yr old black girls must have some strong ass jaws to do that amount of damage he claims, especially considering she barely nipped him. Serious bites take time, folks need to clamp down on you for awhile, I mean seriously black girls don't have the jaw strength of crocodiles.

    Well you may believe they do if your a white cop or perhaps UBM.

    Takes a special kind of person to find amusement in another persons torment.

  19. Marcus, I appreciate your challenge. Especially the tone with which you bring it.

    In all seriousness, I think the video camera worked in the girl's favor. (Unless she was showing out because of the camera.) I think you and I could probably imagine the same picture of what this cop might've done to subdue her with no camera and no witnesses.

  20. There definitely are black teenagers out here being abused by police but she ain't one of them.

    That little rebellious hussy was living with her grandmother but after her arrest she has moved in with her aunt. Hopefully the aunt will be better able to handle her.

  21. The way the cop looked at the camera was creepy. Sorry, UBM, but I found the tape very sad.

  22. UBM, I am really wondering about you.

    Yes there is a white plastic bag, are you suggesting you know about its contents? For you it seems to have significance, but has it any?

    What I find especially interesting, that the action is not explained to the girl at any point.

    Before the pepper spray is used she says: I didn't do anything, sir I am sorry ... At that point the bag is not in her hands anymore.

    Shortly after the police officer uses the spray, as if responding to her sorry: I don't give a shit. Here look what I can do.

    Admittedly to me as a German the idea of curfew laws has a very peculiar ring.

    Anyway UBM, what do you think the girl carries in her white plastic bag? I can't see that special item has any significance. The officer pays no special attention to it.

    I haven't done anything!

    Should there be a sentence that according to curfew laws you shouldn't be out in the streets at this time?

    Without any doubt we do not see the complete action. But if the arrest were somehow related to the white plastic bag she carries wouldn't things look differently?

  23. Leander, you misconstrued my point about the white plastic bag.

    It's all about the stuff she says after being sprayed. In the midst of her frantic screaming of "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" she has the presence of mind to say, "I need my clothes and stuff" -- the contents of the plastic bag, evidently -- before she gets back to "I can't breathe!"

    Which leads me to surmise that she's putting on a bit of a show with all that "I can't breathe!" business.

    That's all I was saying. I think to see the truth in this tape, one has to bring to it more than a reflexive contempt for the police.

  24. Most people claim they can't breath when sprayed by pepper spray, mostly because of the extreme discomfort they feel when they inhale, it's painful, hence not being experienced in such, they claim, erroneously, that they cannot breath.

    So she wasn't putting on a show, however the cop was, it's obvious he did everything but smile for the camera.

    Unless of course one suscribes to believing in the superhuman strength of 15 year old black girls.

    Cops like this one give good cops a bad name, I mean really, how effective would he have been against a 16 year old girl??

    In such case he may find(a justified) need to use deadly force. And that might not be as funny or something.

  25. Yes, Marcus, she was in such extreme discomfort that she took the time, when being pulled to the cop car, to say: "I need my clothes and stuff."

    Isn't there another blog you'd rather hang out at? That black fantasyland where the cops are always wrong, the white man is always evil, black folks are always victims, and America -- the same America that lifted those assholes into the bourgeoisie -- is some kind of hell on earth?

  26. Whats wrong with wanting to keep track of your belongings?

  27. What's wrong with pepper-spraying a chick after she bites you?

  28. What's wrong with conducting yourself in such a manner that will earn you the respect of the community you're working in instead of turning an easily controllable situation into one where you need to punch, then pepper spray a 15 year old skinny ass girl, that you in fact dwarf, in order to get handcuffs on her?

    How about not putting your dumb ass in the position to be bit in the first place?

  29. What's wrong with conducting yourself in such a manner that will earn you the respect of the community you're working...

    The purpose of such rhetoric is to weaken the police, to inhibit aggressive policing. And who will suffer for that? Those who already live under a criminal state of siege in poor black neighborhoods.

  30. If police earned the respect of the people they are there to serve and protect, their jobs would be a lot easier.

    People would cooperate if they felt respected. It is a part of human nature. Lets not forget that we are talking about fellow human beings here.

    In war they call it winning the hearts and minds.

    Since your rhetoric implys that these people in black neighborhoods live in a warzone then it would be a good idea for the police to go ahead and get as many of them on their side as possible, videos like the one you find so funny do not help the police in the neighborhoods they are policing.

    White folks and yourself seem to love these type videos though, they use it as sort of a "See!! Look at the animals I have to put up with!!" type isse instead of evidence indicating the total failure on the part of the police to engender respect.

  31. Marcus, I hope you'll stick around for a post I've got coming in a few days... "W.E.B. Du Bois on black crime."

    More than 100 years ago, the high rate of "Negro crime" was considered a major issue among the most progressive black minds of the day. As embodied by Du Bois, this wing of the black uplift movement had a two-pronged approach: confronting and opposing systematic white supremacy... and the moral, educational and economic advancement of black folks.

    In actualizing the second part of that equation, combatting black crime was considered crucial.

    Nowadays, the black leadership class dare not speak the word "crime."

    Compared with the movement 100 years ago, that's like trying to fight with one fist. Confronting white institutions alone won't get it done.

  32. Kid got a good lesson. Could've been much worse. I was once arrested for pointing a gun at somebody. I did exactly as I was told. I didn't get manhandled, pepper-sprayed, or abused in any way. All officers present stated in their reports that I did what I was told. That worked in my favor. Charges were dropped. If you do what the nice policeman says, generally things go much easier for all concerned. If you try to fight an armed officer twice your size, you are stooopid!

  33. chHnFl Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

  34. rF4WSY Wonderful blog.

  35. Please write anything else!

  36. mRhYIF Nice Article.
