Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The New Yorker profiles David Simon

In the October 22 issue of The New Yorker, on newsstands now, there’s a long, interesting profile of my old bud David Simon, creator of HBO’s “The Wire.” I’m quoted in it a couple of times.

You can follow this link to the online version of Margaret Talbot’s article. But it is so very lengthy, you might prefer cuddling up with a dead-tree version.


  1. I read that a few days ago. Great, very interesting read.

    It would be interesting to see David tackle a show about New Orleans.

  2. Dude, you are lucky to have a friend like David Simon.

  3. Are you going to be blogging on the show as it airs?

    The New Orleans project sounds intriguing. This seems like the first subject he's ever tackled where he would pretty much be starting from scratch without any past life experiences to inform his stories.

  4. Andrew, I don't intend to blog "The Wire."

    Since I kinda know where all the storylines are going, it would be tricky to write about it for readers who are experiencing the slow unfolding of the tale.

    But I expect Alan Sepinwall to blog it, and I'll probably comment there.

    Simon knows New Orleans pretty well... he's been an annual fixture at Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest for years. So I'm sure he's been doing a lot of "reporting" to capture the reality of that world.

    I hope HBO gives him a green light.

  5. In addition to Alan Sepinwall, they do wonderful weekly analysis of "The Wire" at The House Next Door ( Highly recommended. They have posts from S4 in the archives section.
