Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fun with Manipulated Audio: Clarence Thomas

With a bow to the brilliant comedy writer Robert Smigel and his “Fun with Real Audio” segments for “Saturday Night Live,” I decided to brew up some homemade satire using Mac’s GarageBand editing software... and the audio version of Clarence Thomas’s new memoir, “My Grandfather’s Son.”

I have nothing against Justice Thomas. But heck... comedy is comedy. As the saying goes: “Hard times make monkey eat cayenne pepper!” So click here and listen to Clarence Thomas in his own (remixed) words.


  1. Dang, UBM! You've got mad remix skillz! :-D

    I'm still trying to figure out where the "elongated penis" fits in in his memoir? (That part was in the book, right?) And the thing about "cayenne pepper." What kind of backwoods phrase is that?

    How 'bout a "pubic hair in my Coke" remix next!

  2. "Hard times make monkey eat cayenne pepper!"

    How many times have I heard my mother say those exact words? It just makes me feel so...sniff...close to Clarence "Uncle" Thomas.

  3. Yep, Jena6, all those words come from the audiobook. Not many Supreme Court memoirs are likely to have phrases like "...a black man with an elongated penis."

    Oh, and you know I was searching for that "pubic hair"! No luck. ;^D

  4. all those words come from the audiobook.

    Say what! At some point he must've considered sending an excerpt to Bronze Thrills or Jive.

  5. Funny shit...

    I met as woman about the time of the hearings, who said she was the clerk that rented Thomas the "Long Dong Silver" flic.

    So much for totally false accounts...

  6. ^ Funny, Craig. A buddy of mine -- and he told me this before all the drama -- said he used to see Clarence Thomas in an adult video store.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that. But I wish we lived in a world where a man could be honest enough to say, "Yeah, I'm entertained by pornography. That has nothing to do with my ability to interpret the Constitution."

  7. These days, he probably gets his pornographic freak on via the internet.

  8. The problem is that there aren't that many African Americans who have achieved what Clarence Thomas has and we should be holding him up as a role model instead of the many sports heros. Someone will hear this tape as it gets passed around and they will think it is legitimate. What a shame. and btw, I believe Thomas admitted to watching pornography in college or grad school. So the allegation that "a clerk" rented him the LDSilver tape is obviously incorrect as he wasn't a judge at the time that this was alleged. I still remember Thomas sitting there shaking with anger saying that the hearings were nothing more than a high tech lynching...and so they were! I was pretty much a dem until those hearings...and then I thought...well, what some people won't do to win!! I believe in fair play. It's the American way!
