Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fun with Manipulated Audio: Ann Coulter

Yes, friends, it’s time for more gentle, homespun humor utilizing my Mac’s audio editing software... and the CD version of Ann Coulter’s new book.

As y’all may know, Miss Coulter is catching hell for some comments she made on a cable talk show last week concerning Jews. She seems to be savoring the attention.

Listening to this audiobook was my first extended exposure to Ann Coulter’s supposed ideas and so-called sense of humor. She thinks she is a world-class practitioner of irony, this chick.

Well... if she really does appreciate a good joke, then Coulter should enjoy this: Click here and listen to Ann Coulter in her own (remixed) words.


  1. Hmmmm.

    Ann Coulter pretty much just enjoys pissing people off.

    And she makes money at it. Which begs the question: why am I not doing the same thing?

    Well I am in some respects. I'm successfully pissing people off. Just haven't gotten to the "make bags o'money" yet.


  2. Coultergeist remix! She's one vile wench.

  3. Can you PLEASE put that on Youtube so I can embed it!!

  4. BWAHAHHAHAHA! Love it!

  5. Hee, hee, and it's probably not far from what the "vile wench" might have said on the outtakes.

    While I'm sure many of the fundies share her views--even the remixed version--I wonder how many on her side of the political aisle wish sometimes that she would just STFU. She ain't necessarily helping their cause.

    Anyhoo, I've said it before and I'll say it again, that's a man, baby.

  6. I'm sorry, UBM, I can't tell which are the parts that you modified. It all sounds like something she would say. ;-)

  7. dnA: I have never posted anything to YouTube, and I don't know how to. And don't know if I'll have time to tackle that learning curve...

    Do you know how to? I could send you the MP3...

  8. Ann Coulter attacked John Edwards awhile back relating to having feminine traits.

    If Ann would take a look in the mirror she may find herself lacking some of the same feminine traits she accuses Edwards of having.

    She is one woman that is hard to look at.

  9. Hmmmm.

    Ann Coulter attacked John Edwards awhile back relating to having feminine traits.

    She coined the phrase "Silky Pony" after his YouTube.com video of his preening his hair for what seemed like hours.

  10. yessado...i'll even make a graphic with your url so people will know to come back and find more. Just send the mp3 to my email toosenseblog@yahoo.com

  11. Did you really just waste valuable time and energy writing about Ann Coulter?

    Damn you to hell... she makes my ultra-conservative skin crawl. I swear to God, if I have to see her gangly picture again or here her incoherent raging gibber-jabber then I will seriously contemplate stabbing myself in the eyeball.

  12. ^ It tickles me how many on the far right dislike her... and their reasons why.

    Did you listen to my audio, Latimer??

  13. I do enjoy reading Coulter's stuff, she is a very intelligent person and speaks her mind, I appreciate that. Yes, I am very conservative.

    That being said, that is a very damn good remix, good job.
