Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All right, the bullshit noose hysteria has finally gotten out of hand...

... and so has the whole YouTube-grassroots-activism thing.

This homemade protest video was posted on YouTube one month ago. (Hat-tip: Jasmyne Cannick.)

To which I can only respond: Come on, people...


  1. Wow. I have to admit, I don't know what to make of this...

  2. Why don't we just ban ropes?

  3. Hmmmmm.

    There have been instances of such "race baiting" as hanging nooses in the past where the offender was actually the supposed "victim". Whether a cry for help or some sort of dodge based on being a victim I don't know.

    But I think it's rather odd that the video of that professor's door, with the hanging noose, hasn't yet shown up anywhere. Nor has the police made an arrest or even produced a sketch of the perp.

    Frankly I don't see a lot of outward racism in my life. *shrug* perhaps I'm sheltered. But those instances where people near me shouted out accusations of racism I think could be explained simply that the individual involved was a complete a**hole. Is it easy to tell if someone doesn't like you because of your race, Or because of you?

    Now I have encountered people who didn't like Asians or Koreans. I knew a very pretty girl who absolutely refused to date me in public because, as she put it, her parents would kill her if she did. Is that racism? If that's racism though then what about calls by some black leaders to "preserve" black America by avoiding interracial marriage? Wouldn't that be racism too in it's own way?

    *shrug* I'm only asking this because I think a lot of episodes of racism could be explained using other words and other concepts.

  4. How long before autoerotic asphyxiation enthusiasts claim discrimination?

  5. Hmmmm.

    1. "How long before autoerotic asphyxiation enthusiasts claim discrimination?"

    You mean they haven't yet?


    2. Off topic:
    I didn't see any references to "Afro Samurai" here. I caught the series on Spike and I really enjoyed it. They're supposed to make a live action movie starring Samuel L. Jackson. Should be interesting.

    WikiPedia: Afro Samurai

    Metropolis article

    Amazon: Afro Samurai

  6. I'd like to see a martial arts extravaganza that pits Sam Jackson against Morgan Freeman. In this genre, age isn't a detriment. Not in the Chinese flicks anyway.

    The Afro Samurai series was pretty good. Hope that movie gets made.

  7. Hmmmm.

    I'd like to see a martial arts extravaganza that pits Sam Jackson against Morgan Freeman. In this genre, age isn't a detriment. Not in the Chinese flicks anyway.

    *laugh* yeah that would be pretty interesting. I just don't see Morgan Freeman doing anything like that in front of a blue screen.

    The Afro Samurai series was pretty good. Hope that movie gets made.

    Yeah I liked it a lot. Not so much for the Afro part, though it was a very interesting change, but more for the style of the anime.

    Yeah I'd like to see them try to come out with a movie that'll keep some of the style. I just hope they don't do another "Bruce Leroy" schtick.
