Friday, September 21, 2007

Things that make you go ‘Hmmm’

BARBARA WALTERS: If your son says to you, “Mom, is the world round or flat?” –

SHERRI SHEPHERD: I’ll have to go, “Baby, we gotta go to the library and find some books!”

Hat-tip to Prof. Paul Butler at, who proclaimed comedian Sherri Shepherd the “Flat Earth Negro of the Week.”

UPDATE (09/22/07): Poor Sherri Shepherd. You should see some of the comments people posted on her personal website over this flat-Earth business.

Sherri’s site administrator has shut down the discussion, saying that some folks have sent messages “laced with profanity and racial slurs.” Those have been deleted.

But some critical comments remain. Such as these:

“Mind boggling. Sherri, I never imagined anyone with such a sub-standard education would be allowed on as a regular member of a panel discussion show like the ‘The View’. I mean this is elementary school stuff. You have humiliated every black person in the US with that performance.”

“Sherri, stop whatever it is that you're doing at the moment and go look at a globe. It's round for a reason, Einstein.”

“I can’t imagine anyone having the guts to criticize evolution when they don't even know if the earth is round or flat! If I were you I’d be ashamed to air my ignorant opinions to millions of viewers.”

“A grown woman who claims not only not to know whether the earth is flat or round but also to never have thought about it is too stupendously ignorant to be on any talk show. What are the names of the schools at which Sherri Shepherd claims to have been educated?”

Ol’ girl is gonna have to straighten this mess out Monday on the show.

UPDATE (09/23/07): Actually, she explained herself on Friday’s show, saying “Of course I know the Earth is round,” and attributing her confusion to nervousness.

But still, the way Shepherd got attacked on her own website, I think she might be inclined to talk about it some more on Monday.


  1. Who says th' Erf ain't flat? If you ain't measure it, how you know?

    Bet you think all them white folks went to the moon too?

    How much you know.

  2. As dumb as this woman is (and I'd say she's world-class dumb), she's no worse than the people who reject evolution and claim the earth is six thousand years old. They even have a theme park now where young morons in training can watch cave children frolic with dinosaurs.

  3. Sherri said that she doesn't "believe in evolution, period" so, she probably does think the earth is six thousand years old.

    Is she a regular on the show? 'cause I'm thinking she and Whoopi might be the new Rosie and Elizabeth. But, then again, I really don't watch The View.

  4. "Who says th' Erf ain't flat? If you ain't measure it, how you know?" - Hilarious.

    She couldn't be serious.

  5. They even have a theme park now where young morons in training can watch cave children frolic with dinosaurs.

    Do we get to see a T-Rex gobble up some kids? I'd pay to get in for that.

    Sherri could probably have some fun here:

  6. Or here, sheesh:

  7. lol....well really it's a sad type of smerk....the worst thing about this is I know so many pastors that think ( or don't think) the same exact way!.......and these are the one they ask for advice...scary if you ask the way do you know how longe it took me to figur you out? ( it's young Bruce Wayne) your a genius : ).
