Monday, August 27, 2007

A free Amy Winehouse download

I’ve been in no rush to check out Amy Winehouse. Because when there’s that much record-industry hype behind an artist, I step back and say, “Okay, whatever.” (We all know the most interesting music is happening outside the major-label loop.)

I recently bought the single “Rehab.” It doesn’t rock my socks. And now that Winehouse seems to be turning into a tabloid train wreck, that song’s effed-up attitude is even more wrong.

But for those of you who dig the Amy, there’s a FREE 20-minute podcast available at AOL’s It includes unplugged performances of “You Know I’m No Good,” “Rehab” and “Love Is a Losing Game.” There’s also an interview, in which Amy shows love to Wu-Tang Clan, the Roots and Mos Def.

To download the podcast as an MP3, follow this link.

To sample her unplugged version of “Rehab,” click here to hear it on my Vox site.


  1. I hope Amy gets her shizznit together, as I quite enjoy her soulful voice and I lurve "Rehab."

  2. i always contended that when one sings about people trying to put you in rehab then it's prolly time to go. i hope it works out for her bc she's a wreck right now.

  3. Thanks for the DL.

    I've been feeling Timi Yuro of late. She's pretty old school and doesn't sing about rehab. :P

  4. I am not too keen on this Winehouse thing. I am digging Dr. West’s joint. This CD has great features by well known and some unknown artists. Plus, the beats are top notch. For a rap connoisseur, as I am, this will be a refreshing change from the standard fare. I did not hear any Bitches or Hoes but I did hear Nigger quite a few times. Pure metaphysics.

  5. I didn't particularly care for her CD the first time I heard it, but after a closer 2nd and 3rd listen I was completely and utterly hooked. I absolutely love Amy Winehouse, and feel bad that her private life and publicity (good or bad) is overshadowing the beauty of what she can do.

    Please give it a listen and a chance UBM....

  6. The first I heard of her was running the Amy Winehouse flowchart

  7. Please give it a listen and a chance UBM....

    Ummm... maybe one day, IW. Something about singing style just puts me off. I'd much rather just hear her talk, as I really dig working-class British accents.

  8. I really hate that Amy Winehouse's public F-ups make me not want to listen to her music.

    I've enjoyed her music enough in the past, but can't fall over myself for her -- unlike Spin mag who declared her 'the dangerous new Queen of Soul'

    So glad my girls Madeleine Peyroux and Lizz Wright aren't strung out on such foolishness.

  9. i like Amy. sometimes you can get too much media hype, but hopefully it doesn't hurt her career. Back to Black is a good album though.
